It has been just over a week since Wil Wheaton aired the first episode of TableTop on Geek and Sundry.
I have spent a lot of my time since I watched it the first time being busy with many things, all the while my thought have been turning, thinking about what and how I want to say it. Let us see if I can do this in 100 words.
When I found out about TableTop I was pretty excited. My mind ran wild with crazy scenes of Celeberties using, plastic chainsaws, and rubber duckies. I really couldn’t wait to see the first episode. Then it came. I watched it and I was happy with it and I am looking forward to the next episode of Tabletop.
In the first episode they (Wil, Grant Imahara, Sean Plott, and Jenna Busch) played a game called Small World by Days of Wonder. It is a Risk style game of conquering in a fantasy setting. The show starts with a game demo, and then moves to introducing the celebrities. Which at first I really didn’t like, now I am torn. After Wil’s demo of Small World I was ready to see the game played. But no he went to introductions. Which is equally important, and after some considerable thought it makes sense that the demo is first. The only other gripe have is that there was no primer for the episode to air on the 20th.
I really liked the way Wil approaches the game and the show. It isn’t about him or Geek and Sundry, it is about demonstrating how to have fun. fun with a group of gamers that have different levels of skill. I rally liked the game demo at the beginning of the show and the between round updates were appreciated. But my favorite part was the trophy. Not so much the trophy, but the engraving process. You will have to watch the show to see it, you just won’t appreciate my words.
TableTop has captured a unique perspective of gamers, that allows gamers to see iconic figures be seen doing reallife things and having fun. Cheers to a job done.