Fantasy AGE: Basic Rulebook (Hardcover) from Green Ronin

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Aug 262015

titans graveFantasy AGE: Basic Rulebook (Hardcover)



The Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook is your entry point to tabletop roleplaying. Now you can be the hero in your own sword and sorcery adventures! This is the game played on Wil Wheaton’s new tabletop RPG show, Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana.


The Adventure Game Engine (AGE) rules are easy to learn, and feature an innovative stunt system that keeps the action tense and exciting.


This Basic Rulebook includes full 20 level advancement for all three classes, a new magic system, advice for players and GMs, and an introductory adventure so you can get started right away. You can use Fantasy AGE to run adventures in the campaign setting of your choice or a world of your own creation. A new AGE is upon us!


Author: Chris Pramas


Cover Artist: Svetoslav Petrov


144 pages, Full Color, Hardback


 Paizo Publishing, Pathfinder  Comments Off on NEW PATHFINDER ADVENTURE PATH PACKAGE FOR HERO LAB
Apr 132015


First Release, Hero Lab: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition,
Now Available for Pre-Order
SAN JOSE, CA (April 8, 2015): Lone Wolf Development, creator of the award-winning tabletop game accessory Hero Lab, announces today the development of new Pathfinder Adventure Path packages for Hero Lab. The first add-on package, Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition, is available now for pre-order ($24.99), and will release worldwide later this month.

The release of the Rise of the Runelords package launches a new package option within Hero Lab, to provide players all the tools they’ll need for specific Pathfinder RPG Adventure Paths. This first package includes:

  • Access to all of the encounters from the award-winning, fan-favorite, Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition
  • Pre-built NPCs with spells, gear, feats, traits, armor, items, and more
  • Ability to import the encounters into the Hero Lab Tactical Console to manage combat with a laptop at the game table
  • Option to print-out NPCs and monsters for easy reference
  • Automatic integration of spells, items, and other material from other Pathfinder RPG supplements, such as the Bestiary or Advanced Players Guide, for use within that Adventure Path (purchase of these packages is not necessary)

“We’re thrilled to offer new Adventure Path packages to the tens of thousands of gamers using Hero Lab,” says Lead Developer Colen McAlister. “And there isn’t a better place to start than the quintessential Pathfinder RPG adventure, Rise of the Runelords.”

Designed for players and GMs alike, Hero Lab is the ultimate RPG character management tool. With this award-winning software, players can build characters in minutes for their favorite RPGs, and play from their laptop, iPad or printed character sheets. Indispensable Game Mastering tools, like the Encounter Builder and Tactical Console, ensure GMs don’t have to worry about the hassles of creating or running an encounter. With Hero Lab, preparing for games has never been easier.

In addition to the Pathfinder RPG, Hero Lab is available for Shadowrun, Mutants and Masterminds, Savage Worlds, Call of Cthulhu, World of Darkness, and the d20 System. For more information, visit the Hero Lab website.

About Lone Wolf Development
Lone Wolf Development specializes in creating innovative digital tools for the tabletop gaming industry, allowing players to streamline game preparation, eliminate errors, and spend more time playing the games they love. With an ever-growing suite of tools, including the award-winning Army Builder, Hero Lab, and Realm Works products, Lone Wolf’s digital tools are the industry standard and are in regular use by tens of thousands of gamers, from miniatures games to role-playing games.


Dead of Winter from Plaid Hat Games

 Board Games, Plaid Hat Games  Comments Off on Dead of Winter from Plaid Hat Games
Jan 262014

Dead of WinterDead of Winter



Dead of Winter is an experience that can only be accomplished through the medium of tabletop games. It is a story-centric game about surviving through a harsh winter in an apocalyptic world. The survivors are all dealing with their own psychological imperatives but must still find a way to work together to fight off outside threats, resolve crises, find food and supplies, and keep the colony’s morale up.


Dead of Winter has players making frequent, difficult, heavily-thematic, wildly-varying decisions, that often have them deciding between what is best for the colony and what is best for themselves.


2-5 players

Ages 13+

60-90 minute play time

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Looking Back at Origins 2012

 Gaming News, Origins 2012  Comments Off on Looking Back at Origins 2012
Jun 072012

Origins is always a crazy week for me.  Often it comes and goes before I even lay my head down, so it seems.   This year was no exception.  It was another full blown schedule and we added media coverage to the list this year.  I guess I ‘m a glutton for punishment.   My con went something like this.

I arrived in Columbus Ohio around noon only to find the off ramp I use is closed.  “Oh no,” I wondered, “is this a sign?”  Then I pulled off to see a boarded up building.  “Am I in the wrong part of town?” I thought.  About ten minutes later I parked my van and I was still alive.  Registration was a breeze.   I spent the rest of the day unloading the van, setting up terrain and waiting on Jason and Gerrit.

The plan with Jason and Gerrit was to play a game of Heavy Gear and display how well I knew the rules.   I was so educated, I may never graduate.  At least they prepared me for what was to come.

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Matt’s Review of Wil Wheaton’s TableTop

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Apr 102012

It has been just over a week since Wil Wheaton aired the first episode of TableTop on Geek and Sundry.



I have spent a lot of my time since I watched it the first time being busy with many things, all the while my thought have been turning, thinking about what and how I want to say it.  Let us see if I can do this in 100 words.


When I found out about TableTop I was pretty excited.  My mind ran wild with crazy scenes of Celeberties using, plastic chainsaws, and rubber duckies.  I really couldn’t wait to see the first episode.  Then it came.  I watched it and I was happy with it and I am looking forward to the next episode of Tabletop.

In the first  episode they (Wil, Grant Imahara, Sean Plott, and Jenna Busch) played a game called Small World by Days of Wonder.  It is a Risk style game of conquering in a fantasy setting.  The show starts with a game demo, and then moves to introducing the celebrities.   Which at first I really didn’t like, now I am torn.  After Wil’s demo of Small World I was ready to see the game played.  But no he went to introductions.  Which is equally important, and after some considerable thought it makes sense that the demo is first.  The only other gripe have is that there was no primer for the episode to air on the 20th.

I really liked the way Wil approaches the game and the show.  It isn’t about him or Geek and Sundry, it is about demonstrating how to have fun.  fun with a group of gamers that have different levels of skill.  I rally liked the game demo at the beginning of the show and the between round updates were appreciated.  But my favorite part was the trophy.  Not so much the trophy, but the engraving process.  You will have to watch the show to see it, you just won’t appreciate my words.

TableTop has captured a unique perspective of gamers, that allows gamers to see iconic figures be seen doing reallife things and having fun.  Cheers to a job done.




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