In this Box breaking Matt busts open the Alkemy Kingdom of Avalon Starter from Studio 38.
We have a lot more Alkemy coming up in the near future. I am excited about this. Let us know how we are doing.
In this Box breaking Matt busts open the Alkemy Kingdom of Avalon Starter from Studio 38.
We have a lot more Alkemy coming up in the near future. I am excited about this. Let us know how we are doing.
In this Box Breaking we take a look at the Circle of Orboros Celestial Fulcrum Battle Engine. This is newest big fig from Privateer Press for Hordes. It features 3 ranged weapons that I wouldn’t like to feel. it also houses a pretty nifty fury ability, IMOP, I have only played Hordes a few times so I am no expert.
Did you like it? Then +1 it and follow us on twitter. Stop back tomorrow to see the assembly video. We will post it to twitter.
This is a 2 player, scenario based board game, with one player taking control of the Dwarfs, while the other commands the Undead. There are 6 scenarios to play through, each build upon each other, culminating in a huge, desperate battle which will ultimately decide who controls the King’s Hold.
We have not played this yet. I would love to get my hands on a copy and do a review for all of you, because I have only heard good things about Dwarf King’s Hold. That is not something that can,t be said very often. Here is a link to the product information on Mantic Games Website Dwarf Kings Hold.
In this Box Breaking Matt busts the Pathfinder Beginner Box of Heroes from Paizo Publishing. Paizo teamed with WizKids to bring you these models for the Pathfinder RPG. Matt Gives you a comparison to an old Mage Knight Minotuar. Continue reading »
All right Gamers, here you go our Necron Box Breaking. In this box breaking we reveal the Necron Immortals, Deathmarks, Necron Triarch Praetorians, Lychguard, Necron Ghost Ark, Doomsday Arc, Necron Catacomb Command Barge, and the Annihilation Barge. Holy cows! That is a lot of material.
Check back soon for Figure Forge Building the Necron Catacomb barge/ Anihillation Barge with rare earth magnets (in at least 2 parts). That’s right one model two vehicles.
In the Box breaking we delve into the 2 player Blitz starter for Heavy Gear from Dreampod 9.
Thanks for watching, and come back soon for more news and videos.
In this box breaking we begin our journey into Heavy Gear. A game world where metal might be the only thing between you and a bullet.
This box set is quite the deal at 67.00
It includes
2 gear kits that retail for about 50.00 and the rules are 45.00.
Check back soon for more Heavy Gear carnage.