To defeat your enemy, you must understand him. This volume offers an indispensable analysis of the most vicious killers of all – orcs. Born and bred for war, they are an awful, brutish, violent species and, despite their constant infighting and backstabbing, their horde armies remain a dire threat to all races. To them, war is life.
Beginning with an examination of the fighting methods of the individual orc warrior, the book expands to look at how they do battle in their small warbands and in vast armies. Using vivid, illuminating illustrations, it reveals the tactics, technology and disposition of all the orc troop types, from lightly armed archers and heavily armored shock troops to their wolf cavalry and siege engines, uncovering startling regional variations and highly specialized fighters such as berserkers and battle shamans. Finally, it will explore specific key battles that orcs have fought in to develop the fullest possible understanding of these loathsome, terrifying creatures and the ways in which they go to war.
Author: Chris Pramas
Illustrator: Darren Tan, Hauke Kock
64 pages
This book is awesome. I think from a RPG perspective and a miniature gamer perspective. Historical gamers have always had these awesome osprey books. Now we are getting some of our own for Fantasy and Sci-Fi and the quality is terrific.
Chris Pramas is a great author for this series with the number of different projects he has worked on he brings a vast knowledge of different lore to bear. The book is definitely worth the price. The next one up is Dwarves by the same author due out in October.