Mar 312015

golem1Golem Arcana: Zikia: Heralds of the Great Weald



Heralds of the Great Weald includes three new Zikia Golems to be used in any Golem Arcana Army. The expansion set includes a Warspite, Orgre, and Titan class Golem.


  • The Nightshade, A warsprite that uses its attack to teleport to enemies, perfect for devastating ranged units.


  • The Prowler, A quick Orgre that roams the battlefield with a powerful AOE attack.


  • The Earthfall, A mobile Titan the stampedes across the battlefield capable of dealing large amounts of damage.

Also included are four new Relic Cards:

-The Chalice of Mist, that causes enemies to lose their way.

-Zephyr of Er-Haka that cleanses a Golem of all ailments.

-Ghora’s Mask, that will cause enemies to flee a region.

-The Nihata Laurel that will lash out at enemies and pull them toward it.


2 players

Ages 14+

30-90 minute play time

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