Kings of Air and Steam From tasty Minstrel Games

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May 152013

Kings of Air and Steam

$59.95 SRP


Early in the 20th Century, modern factories crank out goods like clockwork. Race your mighty but unstable airship to pick up cargo and haul it through the clouds to depots safely outside city limits. Then hustle the most valuable shipments by train into the cities that want them, satisfying demand and racking up profits! Simple, right? Now do it faster, cheaper, and smarter than everyone else. If you can build the strongest network of air and steam, and produce the cash to show for it, you’ll deserve to be crowned the King of Air and Steam!


2-6 players

Ages 13+

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Woodland Scenics Experiences a Devastating Fire

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Jan 092012

Quoted from Lake News

“Linn Creek, Mo. — More than 100 people stood with shocked and sullen looks on their faces and watched from across East Valley Drive as the Woodland Scenics building burned Thursday afternoon.

Woodland Scenics is considered a leader in manufacturing model railroad scenery and other hobby supplies. When fire broke out in its Linn Creek manufacturing site and store, it spread quickly.”

Read the whole story here.

I hope they recover quickly.   We will try and contact Woodland for a follow up story.

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