Oct 212011
SPF is in the House
For our 4th installment We have Sean Patrick Fannon.
Sean talks about A LOT OF GOOD STUFF.
- History
- Decision made at/about West Point
- Drive Thru RPG – This is a really good part. Talks about everything from helping the industry to those who need help with real life. Yes, this says a lot about gamers.
Hottest New Title Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition |
- Briefly mention self publication in the gaming industry.
- Speaks of his world Shiantar- and the current expectations he has for it.
- D20 rant – i am looking for the article he is refereeing to.
- Silvermeet Productions-Omniverse – Cool stuff is on the horizion.
- Taco’s
This is a really good listen for fans and industry trolls.
You can find Sean at home on google+.
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