Bushido the Game Quick Start Rules Review

 Bushido, GCT Studios, Miniatures  Comments Off on Bushido the Game Quick Start Rules Review
Aug 022012

Image Copyright of GCT StudiosI have finally managed to read through the quick start rules for Bushido The Game. While reading the rules I kept thinking does this work? When I was done reading I didn’t even want to play the game. My first rule on a game review play before you write. I’m glad I am disciplined enough to follow my rules. Because the game is fun and a lot of it.


If you didn’t already know Bushido the game is an Asian themed fantasy skirmish game. It is played on a 2×2 board with about 5 models a team.


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Wiraqocha From Coffee Haus Games

 Board Games, Coffee Haus Games  Comments Off on Wiraqocha From Coffee Haus Games
Jun 292012


$ 60.00 SRP


We are in the early XXth century, but the world is not as we know it. In 1895, exploring Amazonia, Auguste Copperpot discovered a gate to a lost valley, occupied by a primitive civilization. Wiraqocha Valley was the name he gave to this remote Eden. This world enclosed a treasure that was going to revolutionize modern sciences, namely the Somnium, an orange luminescent crystal showing amazing properties. It can be used as fuel, affects matter and even time. Immediately, this virgin land became a new Eldorado for European colonists. Empress Victoria II decided to send several conglomerates to share this promised land and reap the fruits to her benefit. Zeppelin fleet, full of scientists, adventurers and looters, clouded the Atlantic sky. Wiraqocha Valley is represented by an adjustable board consisting of 22 hexagonal tiles, each of them being identified by a number from 1 to 12, or a dice combo (pairs or straights). In his turn, each player rolls some six-sided dice, combining them to take possession of territories, or to protect from the opponents the ones he already owns. Every hexagon affords resources or special capacities, which are means to influence die results to fit one’s strategy. There are three ways to win: bring back a huge cargo of Somnium to the Empress; acquire enough scientific knowledge to build the Leviathan, a terrifying weapon serving the Kingdom; or find in the temple depths the four relics that will allow you to reach Wiraqocha’s treasure.

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Eddible Dice available in April

 Gaming News  Comments Off on Eddible Dice available in April
Feb 122012

Chocolate Gaming Dice Set

$ 7.99 SRP

The only fumble for a natural one is devouring the misbehaving dice, so we now give you Dice Candies as a critically delicious treat for roleplaying gamers worldwide. Handmade and presented in a stylish package, you will find joy with every bite of this set of chocolate dice; which include a d20, d12, d10, d8, d6 and d4!

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Ice Dice Demo

 Games and Education  Comments Off on Ice Dice Demo
Nov 232011

Ice Dice is a fun game that is easy to play.  It is easy to learn.  Ice Dice is a game that teaces basic critical thinking skill, and strategies.


There you have it a great Game from Looney Labs

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