May 142012

Through Gamer Goggles announces Heavy Gear week May 27th – June 3rd. The week will have videos and tournaments at Origins Game Fair along with Pod Squad members.

The Week will be media rich including articles, videos and Battle reports.


Thanks for watching and  remember to Visit Dream Pod 9 on facebook and like them.  If you want to follow us our social media links are on the right side of the screen

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Black Black Hole by 3 Minute Pop Songs
Thanks Music Alley

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May 112012

Dream Pod 9 is hosting a paint giveaway that ends on the 18th.   All you have to do is go to their facebook page and like them for a chance to win the set.  It is made by Reaper and features 32 never before seen colors.  I will be getting me one as soon as I can.  I recently was given some of the MSP series and I like it a lot.



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Apr 232012

Well the brave men at Dream pod 9 have done it again.   They have brought us some great new models.  Two in fact.

The first is the Barnaby APC.

The Barnaby can be be pre-ordered at DP9


The Barnaby is used by the South to reduce wear on the gears and allow pilots a chance to relax before and after the battle.


It is currently available as a terrain piece or an objective.  the resin model features a high level of detail both on and inside the model.  the kit also includes a gear that can be used to change the tone of the piece.  The gear can be placed dismounting or it can can be  placed inside the hull of the Barnaby.

The Chargeur is next up on the assembly line.

It can also be pre-ordered at DP9

The Chargeur is an engineering gear used by the NuCoal forces.

It can be built for the Arena being equipped with vibro claws and a mauler fist.  Or if you prefer war, it can be built with with special manipulators for loading and off loading ammunition.  The two pack includes a variety of bits like the buzz saw, LACs, and two chain swords.


And just  areminder Dream pod 9 is still having their spring sale until May 1st.


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Apr 102012

Reaper and Dream Pod 9 have teamed together to bring Heavy Gear fans their very own paint set.


From Dream Pod 9

“Our friends at Reaper Miniatures have released the Heavy Gear Blitz Master Series Paint Set as a great one-stop set of paints for all Heavy Gear miniatures. This set includes 36 Master Series paints, 32 of which are never-before-seen colors created especially for Dream Pod 9. This set includes paint colors for all of the Heavy Gear Blitz factions and we will provide painting suggestions using these color names in the future.”



Here are the colors.







And here is the case.










Now DP and Beasts of War are doing a facebook contest.  From now until May 4th on lucky person who signs up on Dram Pod 9’s facebook page will win one of these kits.


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New Gears from Dream Pod 9

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Apr 092012


Dream pod 9 has resculpted for the Sidewinder and the Tiger.

The newer versions of the gears feature the ball and socket system, new legs, weapon potions.  As an added the bonus the MRP fits on any rocket collar.

The new models will be more posable than their predecessors.


The Tiger can find a home in the Northern, Leaugeuless factions, and Port Arthur Korp.  While the Sidewinder serves the South, Leaugless Factions, and Port Arthur Korp.


These models should be available at a LGS (Local Game Shop) in May.


Enjoy the Gallery


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Mar 262012

On our last game night we played Heavy Gear among others.

We are still learning about Heavy Gear and as a result we are still playing very basic games, 3 gears on 3 gears.  They are often short and vicious battles.   In every game there is always a surprise.   This game was no different it is a testament of how balanced I believe the game is.

Box cover of the first Heavy Gear computer game

Box cover of the first Heavy Gear computer game (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The two forces that faced off were 150 points or less.

Warrior w/bazooka




Dessert Viper

Mad Dog



We played on a 28″ by 24 Inch board with a lot of terrain.  The models were all deployed.   The dessert viper was the first to activate.  He stepped out from the Fuel silo and took a shot at the Warrior.   The  Warrior was in the open at sub optimal range – definitly worth the shot with a heavy grenade launcher.  The dice were cast 2 natural sixes compared to a one and a two.  We didn’t even finish the math, we just removed the model.  the rest of the first turn was spent jockeying for position.

On turn two my opponent had the opportunity to go first.  His Hunter came running around the corner towards the Mad Dog and the Dessert Viper and threw a hand grenade at the Mad Dog.  Each of the Gears took at least a box of Damage.  If memory serves the Hunter took 2 boxes.  Then the Dessert Viper moved forwward and Fired another grenade only to miss, with no end result.  His Jager, ostracized from the battlefield, kicked into ground mode and top speed in an attempt to get into combat.  The Mad Dog moved forward his minimum distance crashing into the Hunter.  The Hunter was no more.

On turn 3 The Jager dropped to combat speed and took a shot at the stunned Mad Dog.  It was a devastating blow, pieces of the mad Dog went everywhere,with a plume of flames.  The Desert Viper advanced and returned  ripping of about half the Jagers armor, while the Hunter kicked it into top speed.

On Turn four the Jager advanced and fired.  He lit up the Jager with a margin of six on the dice thus ending the pilots life.  The hunter dropped to combat speed and opened fire missing the Jager.

At the top of round five we had one Jager with half of its armor and an untouched Hunter.  The Jager won initiative and managed to hit the Hunter.  It was too little too late, sadly, the Hunter returned fire and ended the game.


That game is one of the most appealing things about heavy gear.  The game isn’t about a list.  It isn’t  just about how many dice you roll. In so many games it is about what you have to put on the table. In Heavy Gear it looks like it is more about how you use it


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New Form Dream Pod 9 The Sampson APC

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Jan 232012

The Sampson Hover APC has been released for NuCoal forces! The Sampson is a hover APC design based on the CEF’s HPC-64, but engineered to meet NuCoal’s requirements.

  • The basic Sampson has a turret with linked Light Autocannons installed.
  • The Sampson can transport two squads of infantry troops.
  • The Sampson is equipped with a ramp and separate doors to make it easier for troops to embark and disembark.

 Posted by at 1:51 PM

Heavy Gear Blitz: A Brief Overview

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Jan 182012

Welcome to the world of Terra Nova and the turn based strategy game of Heavy Gear Blitz. We’ll be starting off with a quick look into world of Terra Nova itself and the divisions of power on it. Then we’ll check in with the stars of the game the Gears themselves and the other units and equipment that they work with. Finally the rulebook itself will get some needed attention and a little personal praise.

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Figure Forge Heavy Gear Hunter and Jager

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Nov 282011

In this episode of Figure Forge Don assembles the Hunter an the Jager from the Heavy Gear Blitzed two player starter.   I can’t wait to crunch some gears on the battlefield and rip off some arms.   I have been reading the quick start rules and I have not been this excited about a game in a long time.


Thanks for watching, If you liked what you saw feel free to leave comments and follow us on Twitter, look for us on face book too, and you can always sign up for our bi monthly newsletter.


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New Heavy Gear Releases From Dream Pod 9

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Nov 122011

I am very happy to let you know that Dream Pod 9 has shared  pictures and concept art of there November releases.


Her are some pics of  the Badlands out post




Badlands Outpost

Suggested retail price: $29.95 CAD

No special packaging.

Our online store exclusive.



It is compatible with the Defense Turret Two Pack DP9-9101 $23.75 CAD (sold seperately) with the help of connecting piece included in the Badlands’ Homestead building.


(It is big enough to fit a Hammerhead turret, just saying.)


There will be other badlands buildings in future releases.


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