Category: CCG

Information on CCG’s

  • Back From Magic the Gathering Grand Prix Pittsburgh 2011

    Well, I am back from Grand Prix Pittsburgh.  It was a great event.   I am glad that I was a part of the staff serving 1400 plus players in the main event. But let’s back up.   I arrived in Pittsburgh Friday morning and left Sunday evening.  Here is a brief overview of some of the experience.

    On Friday I herded players to the correct location for registration.

    Saturday was a different story.  I was on the paper team for the main event.  The most interesting ruling I had was well I didn’t have any of the cool ones.  That does not mean that the event did not need judges, it just means the players have a good understanding of standard.   My favorite ruling of the weekend has to be: A player with 0 cards in hand casts preordain.   Instead of scrying 2, he makes puts both cards in hand and plays one of them, a land.  The other remains in hand as he passes the turn.  Ouch!  Drawing Extra Cards, nope the card is easily identifiable.   It was downgraded to a GRV and the card was returned to the top of the library.


    Sunday, is never as busy as day 2.  I worked side events.  I floated around the floor as much as possible.  I was fortunate enough to HJ 4 of the events.  I think that is a fair amount considering we had divide the events up amongst about 20 judges.  The Limited PTQ had an amazing 379 players.  That is awesome


    Special thanks to Mike Guptil, The Head Judges (Erik, and Kevin)all of the team leads, Wizards of the Coast, and all of the players.

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  • Magic the Gathering Grand Prix Pittsburgh 2011

    Well, I really wish I had a lot more time to hype this Magic the Gathering event up – I don’t.  Here is the run down.  I am Leaving early Friday (Augus26th 2011) morning, after sending the children off to school, to judge at the Grand Prix in Pittsburgh (standard).  Between now and then I have to maintain my Dad’s Kitchen image for the kids, study more, shop for food (I always take some healthy foods just in case), and pack.  They are a very fun, and educating experience.  If you are a judge, Grand Prix’s are an awesome avenue for learning.  There are so many players and judges there that you will something new at every event, and most likely each day.   Since you are broken down into teams it is an excellent time to set a goal for yourself, like learning layering.  OOPS!  I’m rambling.  This event is going to be extremely busy.   There will be about 50 judges to handle about 1500 players.  That is going to be a lot of work.  I am looking forward to it though.


    The artists attending are RK Post and Christopher Moeller.  I always look forward to getting some cards signed and buying at least one print.


    Well enough about the Grand Prix for now.  I will Try and have a GP report up by Tuesday August 30th.

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  • My Path to Grand Prix Providence – Part I Planning

    Well, I was lucky enough to be accepted to judge at Grand Prix Providence.  Judging a Grand Prix is always an exciting experience.  They offer a great education for judges of all levels.  They also allow you to interact with a judge and player community that is not the one you are used to.  Any way I can go on for  an hour or two on the uniqueness of judging a GP, but that is not what I want to do.

    In preparing for a GP there are a few things I like to look at, and a few more I like to think about.   The most important things to me are food, shelter, and travel. The secondary thoughts,  are things like what do I want to accomplish, do I want to play a draft? (more…)