Category: CCG

Information on CCG’s

  • Kaijudo: Evo Fury Boosters and Starter From Wizards of the Coast

    Kaijudo: Evo Fury BD

    Release Date: Nov 13th 2012

    Choose Your Creatures. Save the World! Evo Fury is the first expansion set for Kaijudo New Cards: all five Civilizations are represented- With 60 all new cards, players can customize their decks. Booster Packs each contain 9 cards – plus a code card in each pack. See for rules and restrictions on code cards.

    Kaijudo: Evo Fury: Tornado Generator SD

    Choose Your Creatures. Save the World! Evo Fury is the first expansion set for Kaijudo New Cards: all five Civilizations are represented- With 60 all new cards, players can customize their decks. Competitive Deck: Tornado Generator (limited) has one super rare and one very rare foil card included; 40 cards total plus a code card.

    Come check it all out at Wizards of the Coast today and get build even stronger desks soon


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  • POKEMON: Black&White: Boundaries Crossed BD From Pokemon

    POKEMON: Black&White: Boundaries Crossed BD

    Release Date:Nov 7th 2012

    Step into the next dimension of your journey into battle using the might of the Boundary Pokémon…both White Kyurem and Black Kyurem! Harness the powers of more Pokémon-EX like Landorus, Cresselia, and Celebi, and Keldeo makes its debut in the Black & White—Boundaries Crossed expansion as both a Pokémon and a Pokémon-EX, along with the never-before-seen, powerful ACE SPEC Trainer cards, which are so devastating that you can only carry one into battle! Cross over to sweep aside your opponents with one mighty push!

    Come see all the new pokemon and trainer cards for your pokemon decks, remember gotta catch them all!!

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  • WarHammer:LCG:Invasion: Oaths of Vengeance Battle Pack

    WarHammer:LCG:Invasion: Oaths of Vengeance Battle Pack

    Release Date: Nov 2012

    $ 14.95

    The second Battle Pack in the Eternal War cycle for Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game, Oaths of Vengeance pushes the rival races of the Old World toward all out war, further supporting the cycle’s new Ambush and Raider keywords. New units use these dynamic keywords to surprise your opponents and gather resources from their forays in the battlefield. Oaths of Vengeance also introduces the High Elves’ Shadow King, Alith Anar, a legendary master of guerrilla warfare!

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  • GoT LCG:Reach of the Kraken Chapter Pack From Fantasy Flight Games

    GoT LCG:Reach of the Kraken Chapter Pack

    Release Date: Nov 2012

    $ 14.95

    The call for naval superiority pervades the Chapter Packs from the A Song of the Sea cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, especially while the krakens of House Greyjoy sail the coastlines in their longships. Reach of the Kraken kicks off the cycle by introducing a host of fleets and other characters that make use of the new naval challenge enhancement, which allows a character to join a challenge…even after attackers and defenders have been declared!

    Check out this and so much more from Fantasy Flight Games today.

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  • MtG: Duel Deck: Izzet vs. Golgari

    MtG: Duel Deck: Izzet vs. Golgari

    $ 19.99 SRP


    Two Guilds Clash Beneath the Streets of Ravnica!

    Key Features :

    • Features two premium foil, alternate art Mythic rare cards.
    • Contents include a total of 12 rare cards.
    • Twelve cards feature alternate art not available anywhere else.
    • Contains 6 preview cards from the October 2012 set release Return to Ravnica™.
    • Contains two 60-card decks ready to play right out of the box.
    • Perfect for both new and highly engaged players.
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  • Resident Evil: Mercenaries Coming September 15th

    Resident Evil: Mercenaries

    $ 34.99 SRP

    MERCENARIES is a stand-alone expansion that brings the Mercenaries theme to life, giving your characters brand new skill cards to be used in any style of play. Draft Skill cards at the beginning of a game to give your Character a completely different play style. Your character will learn from those failures and successes as you continue to play, using that experience to activate the Skills they have to give them an edge in battle. MERCENARIES also introduces 3 different Mansions with 3 different challenges. Will you face the unruly Gandos horde, the creepy Illuminados, or the onslaught of Majini? Each Mansion attacks the palyer in a different way, leaving a multitude of combinations for ultimate replay value!

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  • Planechase 2 on June 1st

    Planechase 2 Game Carton


    The four new Planechase decks (Chaos Reigns, Night of the Ninja, Primordial Hunger, and Savage Auras) will contain all-new planar decks that contain a new kind of oversized card, and an assortment of new, Eternal-legal Magic cards. Each deck has eight new plane cards and two new phenomenon cards, and these cards are not shared between decks; there are a total of 32 new planes and 8 new phenomena. There are a total of 21 new Magic cards in the set, spread across the four decks. Each deck has six of the cards (counting by name), although some appear in multiples. Each of the four decks contains a sixty-card Magic deck, a ten-card planar deck, and a planar die.

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  • Revising Standard Post Dark Ascension the Success of Zombies

    I’ve been to two GP’s, and I spent a week in bed rest since my last Revising Standard article. In that same time two GP’s were in the Standard format and just over the weekend we had a Star City Open. Now, that the dust has settled we can look back at Honolulu and compare the top 8 deck lists.


  • Grand Prix Baltimore

    I have finally recovered from Grand Prix Baltimore and I am ready to give you my report.

    Here is the official coverage from WotC


    There were about 1550 players in the main event.

    My favorite question from a player during the event was ” Judge, my opponent played Praetor’s Grasp.  Who’s graveyard does it go in?”  It is nice to know I am not the only one who gets ahead of himself, or says what he hears instead of saying what I hear.   What the player wanted to say is “My opponent exiled a card from my library with Praetor’s Grasp and then played it.  Who’s graveyard does it go in?”   there is only one answer, the owners graveyard.


    The toughest question I came across involved having two Heartless summonings in play (controlled by the same player) who then plays Solemn Simulacrum.

    Solemn enters the battlefield and puts the search trigger on the stack.

    State based effects check making Solemns p/t  0/0.

    Solemn is put in the graveyard.

    Solemns draw trigger is added to the stack.

    In what order do the triggers resolve?


    Other highlights of the event were the artists.   I did manage tou have one sit down meal.  I can’t remember the name of the restaurant.  I doubt I will forget the salmon any time soon.  It was pretty good food.   I was feeling a little under the weather and we were run pretty ragged at this event because the demand on judges to answer questions was higher than normal.  At least I think so.  That might mean that Planeswalker points are bringing more players out to the larger events.  If that is true it is a good thing.

    Sorry this is short, but I don’t want to bore you with every ruling we had to make.  Look at the bright side it is an easy read.





  • Grand Prix Lincoln Report

    For the official Day 2 coverage to GP Lincoln go here.  To read about the winner and the top 8 go here.


    Grand Prix Lincoln was the first Modern event I have judged.  It was an interesting experience.  Here is my summation.


    The players were an interesting mix of professional, competitive, and casual, which made for a fun event.  It didn’t make the rules questions ludicrous, but it did keep them coming at a nice pace.  I am sure that modern helped with that scenario.   The field is loaded with deck archetypes which just adds to the fun as a judge.  I believe that Modern is hear to stay.

    Some of the interesting and fum rulings that happened at the event.

    • A player attempted to appeal a slow play warning during the posting of the pairings for the following round.
    • electrolyze with making an illegal target occured a few times.
    • Most of the the time though it was simple stuff like sorting out whether or it was legal for Mutavault ( or some other man land) to activate.
    • They were not a lot of corner cases.

    Both Dan Scott, and Ron Spencer were there.   They were both a lot of fun – thanks for coming.  Ron has an interesting background, and we hope to interview him very soon.



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