Important Warpaints News

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Apr 122012

The hight anticipated Warpaint line has bee delayed.

Warpaints Street Release Date – 20th April 2012
Rather randomly, the Warpaints are arriving to Distributors in the US. Official shipping date is 11. April but unfortunately not all Distributors are able to fulfill this completely. Some orders will be shipped a few days later but hopefully all orders should be with Retailers for the Street Release of Friday 20th April.
This date is a few days later than anticipated and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.
Hopefully we can all enjoy a great release and reap the benefits of this great product along with more sales of both Primers and Quickshade – as the Warpaints have been designed to support – as well as stand alone.


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Warpaints from Army Painter

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Jan 052012

The 36 new Warpaints colours have been carefully chosen to consist of only the best selling Fantasy/Sci-Fi colours currently available. Most of these colours are a 100% match to the Colour Primer spray of the same name!  Here are the colors.


The Paints will retail for 2.99 and the inks will be 3.25.  The new paints should arrive in March.  These colors are near perfecmatches to the Army Painter spray paints.

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