Hungry Dragon: Amazon Edition

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Jul 232013

Hamster PressHungry Dragon: Amazon Edition

$14.99 SRP


Fight a dragon. Steal treasure. Don’t get eaten. The dragon hunter’s creed.  Heroes have tracked a dragon back to its lair. Now they battle the beast while snatching up treasures. They can steal the good stuff from one another while the fight goes on. All the while the dragon fights back swallowing heroes and treasures that slowly move towards the beast’s fiery stomach. Prepare to make some noise, this is a boisterous game.  The Amazon and Pirate versions of the game add together to form a single bigger game.  


Hungry Dragon is a 54 card deck fighting/stealing game that includes character, weapon, treasure, and dragon part cards. Players control the dragon or a team of four heroes. The heroes move in close to fight, hang back a little to snatch treasure, or stay safe out of range of the dragon’s claws. Each turn players get a free move and may make one action. Their chance of success is based on how much noise they make. Make a roar and the roll is okay. Brag about how well you do and the chance of succeeding is great. Once the dragon is dead (or escapes) the player with the most valuable treasure wins!


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Hungry Dragon: Pirate Edition

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Jul 182013

Hamster PressHungry Dragon: Pirate Edition

$14.99 SRP


Fight a dragon. Steal treasure. Don’t get eaten. The dragon hunter’s creed.  Heroes have tracked a dragon back to its lair. Now they battle the beast while snatching up treasures. They can steal the good stuff from one another while the fight goes on. All the while the dragon fights back swallowing heroes and treasures that slowly move towards the beast’s fiery stomach. Prepare to make some noise, this is a boisterous game.  The Amazon and Pirate versions of the game add together to form a single bigger game.   

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Castle Dash From 5th Street Games

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Oct 112012

Castle Dash

$ 25.00

Available now

Neighboring kingdoms have recently acquired lots of treasure. Naturally, this means you must lead your troops into battle to take it! How do you know there’s treasure to steal? Some of your soldiers were spying for you and got caught sending back news of the windfall. So it looks like you’ll have to rescue your soldiers, too… Be the first player to grab 3 coins from your rivals and you win the Castle Dash! Key Mechanics Worker Placement – Soldiers placed to battle and claim bonuses. Dice-Based Combat – Dice rolled to determine combat and cannon fire.

Get this now at 5th street games and  play with your kids, mine can wait till it gets here

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