The World of Might & Magic New from Osprey

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Sep 022012

The World of Might & Magic

$ 24.95 SRP


The Heroes of Might and Magic compendium is a lavishly illustrated, hardback guide to the world of Ashan, the setting for many years of Might and Magic games. Featuring exclusive artwork, stories, and fun facts, much of the content from the book is drawn directly from the Developer’s Bible, the internal documents used by the game designers to keep track of timelines and plot developments. The book is divided into sections, examining the nine key factions, their history, abilities, rulers and major strengths and weaknesses. Also included is a history of the world of Ashan, presented as a timeline that covers all of the major events in the world’s history. This book is a complete guide to the world of Ashan, its gods, its people, and its history.

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Heavy Gear Interview with John Nguyen and Jason Dickerson at Gen Con 2012

 Arena, Blitz, Conventions, Dream Pod 9, Gen Con 2012, Heavy Gear, Interviews  Comments Off on Heavy Gear Interview with John Nguyen and Jason Dickerson at Gen Con 2012
Aug 222012

In this interview Jason and John discuss the next Field Manual “Forged in Fire”.  We talk about the changes to force lists and how the Nucoal is the new concept of building.   They drop some names of gears in the new videos.   We even managed to get our hands on the Drake, Box Breaking by Saturday.  Both John and Jason have been involved with Heavy Gear for a long time, it becomes evident when we spring  the question on them about their favorite era.


If you would like to learn more about the Heavy Gear universe you can get the Gear Up Magazine here.

If you want to get the rules for free click the Field Manual on the left hand side of your screen.

If you want to learn more about Heavy Gear Arena go like Stompy Bot here.

If you liked this interview +1 it and like us on facebook.  Our social media links are on the right hand side of your screen.

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Aug 022012


SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK, August 1, 2012 — Stompy Bot Productions, Inc. ( and Dream Pod 9, Inc. ( have announced the exclusive licensing of Dream Pod 9’s Heavy Gear® franchise for PC, mobile and console 3D gaming to Stompy Bot Productions.


The Heavy Gear® franchise has released dozens of sourcebooks detailing the settings, people, and machines of the Heavy Gear® universe. The first Heavy Gear® computer game, titled Heavy Gear®, saw light in 1997 and its sequel, Heavy Gear® II, was released in 1999. An animated series was also aired in 2001. The Heavy Gear® game line includes an innovative mix of RPG/wargame books, card games, miniatures and other products.


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Libertalia from Asmodee Editions

 Asmodee Editions, Board Games  Comments Off on Libertalia from Asmodee Editions
Jul 282012


Outwit the plans of competing pirates over three campaigns while using the same crew cards as your comrades! Will you be able to make the most of the abilities of your characters at the right time, or will you have the loot snatched from under your foot by a wilier pirate than you? Dive in and prove your knack for tactics! The game takes place over three campaigns where players try to amass riches by looting ships. Looting is a dangerous activity, as players need to avoid collecting cursed relics. At the end of the game, the richest player is deemed the winner! The box contains: 1 game board; 6 pirate dens; 6 score tokens; 6 crew tokens; 180 character cards (30 for each player); 1 score track; 50 booty tiles [4 chests, 6 jewelry, 10 goods, 6 Spanish Officers, 6 sabers, 8 treasure maps, 10 cursed relics]; 13 doubloons of value 10; 10 doubloons of value 5; 45 doubloons of value 1, rules

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HackMaster Players Handbook From Kenzer and Company

 Hackmaster, Kenzer & CO, RPG's  Comments Off on HackMaster Players Handbook From Kenzer and Company
Jul 282012

HackMaster Players Handbook

$ 59.99


The HackMaster Players Handbook is here!  This book contains everything a player needs to play HackMaster.  Included are 400 pages of player races, numerous classes, quirks and flaws, rules for honor, equipment, spells, combat rules, and so much more!  With this one book you can enjoy endless hours of game play.  The Players Handbook is fully compatible with the HackMaster Basic rules and all supplements and products released with the HackMaster Basic product line.

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Victoriana 3rd Edition from Cubicle 7 in August

 Cubicle 7, RPG's  Comments Off on Victoriana 3rd Edition from Cubicle 7 in August
Jul 252012

Victoriana 3rd Edition

$ 49.99 SRP


The third edition of the Victoriana Core Rulebook includes: Complete and revised rules for making Victorian adventurers and resolving conflicts. Rules for creating technological marvels. Information on the world of Victoriana, including alternate diversions from actual history. A trove of supporting characters, from scullery maids and barristers to elementals and undead, as well as beasts both mundane and preternatural.


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Mistborn Review

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Jul 212012
Crafty Games Logo

Crafty Games Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Mistborn is an RPG set in the fantasy steampunk setting created by Brandon Sanderson. Before getting too in depth with the review I must give Brandon two thumbs up on his involvement in the process of creating the game. He not only authors the introduction story, he makes comments throughout the book.


The book itself is large, 500 pages. It is really three books in one. It is well organized and follows a sensible direction for teaching you how to play the game. I did find myself wishing there was more art. The book opens with a short story. The short story does an excellent job of immersing you into this game world. Sharing with you some of the basic concepts, like how this world is different, and allomancy. Allomancy is “metal magic” or one’s ability to weave, control or manipulate the powers and effects a metal obtains.

The world of Mistborn is a world trapped in an industrial revolution. The government is a fascist one that basically makes you conform or die. A few people (your character maybe) take on roles of thieves and bandits. By skirting the law they are easily seen as rebels, and heroes.

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Varisia, Birthplace of Legends for Pathfinder

 Paizo Publishing, Pathfinder  Comments Off on Varisia, Birthplace of Legends for Pathfinder
Jul 132012

Varisia, Birthplace of Legends

$ 10.99 SRP


Never has a land needed heroes more than Varisia. There, at the edge of civilization, barbarians clash with dark armored invaders, foul creatures lurk within the hearts of titanic monuments, and daring explorers unearth the secrets of a forgotten age of wizard-tyrants. This definitive guide equips players with all they need to face Varisia’s dangers and mysteries, as well as dozens of new options for playing characters native to this wild region—perhaps as a mystical thunder caller of the Shoanti barbarians, a daring bravo leading a caravan of Varisian wanderers, or an obsessed magic-user steeped in the lore of the sinister Thassilonian empire. New options for character backgrounds and campaign traits allow players to integrate their characters into any of the Adventure Paths set in Varisia—such as the Rise of the Runelords or Shattered Star Adventure Path—like never before. Varisia needs heroes, be one of them with the all-new format Pathfinder Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends!

Written by F. Wesley Schneider

Each monthly 32-page Pathfinder Player Companion contains several player-focused articles exploring the volume’s theme as well as short articles with innovative new rules for all types of characters, as well as traits to better anchor the player to the campaign.

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Paths of Prestige for Pathfinder

 Gaming News, Paizo Publishing, Pathfinder  Comments Off on Paths of Prestige for Pathfinder
Jul 132012

Paths of Prestige

$ 19.99 SRP

August Release

This indispensable 64-page book presents thirty new prestige classes for use in your Pathfinder RPG campaign! Each ten-level prestige classes is tied to a different organization or theme found in the Inner Sea region of Golarion, featuring long-awaited explorations of the Aldori Swordlords, Hellknight Signifers, Paladins of Irori, and the infamous Gray Gardeners! Looking for a way to ride a mastodon into combat? Take some levels in the Mammoth Rider prestige class! Eager to harness the mysteries of ancient wizardry? Delve into the secrets of the Arclords of Nex! Looking for some respect and power for your gunslinger? Join the ranks of Alkenstar’s Shield Marshals! These and many more prestige classes await discovery in the pages of Paths of Prestige!

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The Emerald Enchanter from Goodman Games in July

 Gaming News, Goodman Games, RPG's  Comments Off on The Emerald Enchanter from Goodman Games in July
Jun 282012

The Emerald Enchanter

$ 9.99 SRP


Villagers have gone missing! A mix of clues, superstitions, and omens point to the brooding citadel of the emerald sorcerer. This silent monolith has sat undisturbed atop a windy ridge for centuries. Legends say that a green-skinned sorcerer dwells there, where he conducts strange experiments and builds enigmatic machinery. His green-skinned constructs patrol the grounds of his citadel, and he is seen only rarely when he ventures out on nefarious errands that end in horrid screams and strange lights coming from his citadel. Now it is time to penetrate his inner sanctum…


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