Rezolution Battle Report and Comments

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Feb 102015

I recently had the chance to teach Ryan Hale how to play Rezolution: a dark tomorrow.  Before watching the game here are his afterthoughts.

It was an interesting game where he played the APAC starter crew and I played the CSO.  We opted just to play a straight up firefight for his second game.  It’s basically a demo game.

I however, am a veteran of this game and well here are some of my thoughts.



I will be bringing you more on Rezolution and Warlands later this year.

Vatacina Confessor Preview from Gen Con 2012

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Aug 252012

One of the cooler thing I had the chance to see at Gen Con was the Vatacina Confessor.    One can only imaginne the craft powers he will bring to the table in Rezolution.  just look at him.  He stands on a rock worthy of Magneto.  He has a whip- no thoughts there.  But look at the hand, that is the Darth Vader choke if I have ever seen one.   Being a Rezolution player I can’t wait to get my hands on this model.  Rezolution is one of the best games out there.

You can learn everything you need to know about Rezolution here.

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Looking Back at Origins 2012

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Jun 072012

Origins is always a crazy week for me.  Often it comes and goes before I even lay my head down, so it seems.   This year was no exception.  It was another full blown schedule and we added media coverage to the list this year.  I guess I ‘m a glutton for punishment.   My con went something like this.

I arrived in Columbus Ohio around noon only to find the off ramp I use is closed.  “Oh no,” I wondered, “is this a sign?”  Then I pulled off to see a boarded up building.  “Am I in the wrong part of town?” I thought.  About ten minutes later I parked my van and I was still alive.  Registration was a breeze.   I spent the rest of the day unloading the van, setting up terrain and waiting on Jason and Gerrit.

The plan with Jason and Gerrit was to play a game of Heavy Gear and display how well I knew the rules.   I was so educated, I may never graduate.  At least they prepared me for what was to come.

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Game Review Rezolution From Aberrant Games

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Nov 172011

Rezolution is a sci-fi skirmish game from Aberrant Games.  It is set in a cyber punk world where corporations effectively rule all.  That theme always seems to lead the game into a “darker tomorrow”. As far as games go, it does a good job of putting fluff into the game.  It also does an excellent job of using simple mechanics  to achieve fast play.  Since it is a skirmish game you do not need  a lot of toys to play the game.

In order to start playing Rezolution you would need to choose a faction. The easiest and most cost effective way to do this is to buy one of the starter boxes.   Each box has quick start rules and about 5 figures.  If you want the rules you can buy a hard copy with the starter or you can download a copy at wargame vault. In other words for about 45.00 you have everything you will ever need to play the game.

There are a few game mechanics I would like to talk about, opposed  rolling,  models and wounds, craft, and hacking.   It is these 4 mechanics that make the game stand apart.   Opposed rolling is the where you shoot or make a melee attack against another model.  When you do this you and your opponent both roll two six sided dice and add the appropriate attribute to determine the victor.  When models get wounded the wound is recorded.  By making this record you track the “strength” of the figure.  As models are wounded they can face death sooner, or fall unconscious.  Craft is the magic and psionic attribute.  It only appears on models that have a magic or psionic ability.  Each model with craft has craft powers defined on the stat card.  Hack is well computer hacking.   It allows for the model to do thing like,  hack robots, and computers.  It also allows two or more hackers to duel on the grid (a network so to speak).   There are other cool mechanics that make this game  even better, but the  mechanics we spoke of are the ones that truly define Rezolution.

The forums are not always bustling with activity, but they are visited frequently.  Further, the owners of the company takes great interest in their players and answers questions on a regular basis.

I give Rezolution a 5.6 out of 7.  You might be wondering the what or the how behind that rating. Well, there is a long story to it, but basically my wife created a calculator that works of some points we decided were important for a game.  I will go into that more at a later date.  the hort story is we look at

  • start up
  • support
  • gameplay
  • fluff

There are  more sub categories to each of those.  you might think a 5.6 is low.   It’s not.  I have been using it for about 5 years now and it is a harsh calculator.  Many games do not get above 3.

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Tabletop Quality a Miniatures Painting Guide.

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Sep 052011

Have you ever heard the phrase table top quality?  Did you wonder what it means?   Well, if you know or think you know what table top quality means read on and I will share with you my findings.  We will attempt to do this by not siding with any one view (I will still pick on stereotypes though), but instead by defining it based off reading articles, and forum posts from Dakka Dakka, Bolter and Chainsword, Cmon, and game manufacturer’s websites.


When I first decided to write this article I thought I had a good understanding of the phrase.  I was wrong.  I discovered that a  part of the “painting” community is loud enough that that they are heard.  Not only are these people loud they are rude.  You will find comments like”table top quality is just another way of saying ” , and “tabletop quality is just an excuse for you not wanting to play me”.  So if you are a new player or painter who plays you are forewarned that you will be up against this kind of mentality.  I suggest you steer clear of these people as best you can while you are learning to paint.

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