Dave and I have a good talk about the new Heavy Gear Blitz Rules. Dave Touches on some of the major differences, like no more complicated movement, fire at top speed, and changes to combat. I hope to get Dave on my first miniatures show in October to chat about some of the other nuances like army construction.
I’m proud to announce that our fans have backed us in our kickstarter endeavors and we can now start safely planning our trip to Gen Con 2014.
I have to thank all of our current and future backers. We look forward to bring you great media coverage from Gen Con . Here is a list of some of the highlights we have planned
Interview with Uwe Eickert from Academy games on Kickstarter.
More from Catalyst Game Labs
An in depth look at the New Heavy Gear rules from Dream Pod 9
The new Mage Wars Game
and so much more.
There is still time for you to get in on our kickstarter.
I was fortunate enough to sit down with Erik Mona from Paizo and chat about things. I’m not sure where we started but we discuss, The Emerald Spire, Paizo Con, The massive Gen Con Role play session, and more. This interview is packed with juicy information.
With everything Erik has said I really can’t wait for Gen Con 2014 and my first, yet to be determined, trip to Paizo Con.
And check out our Kickstarter The Convention Experience.
The Convention Experience is Live on Kickstarter
I am proud to announce that our Kickstarter project is live! The project is all about what it means to attend a convention on a media level as well as an attendee. Which is really pretty loaded. But it is really so much more than those simple words. The project reflects who we are at Through Gamer Goggles.
It will go beyond just footage of the convention and create personal experiences of backers. It took me quite a bit of time to figure out a way that I could give this project back to those who support it with a little more meaning.
Check it out on Kickstarter!
The Convention Experience a Project by Through Gamer Goggles
Real soon we are going to launch our Kickstarter project the Convention Experience. While most of the details will be brought to you by the project I wanted to take some time and share with you why this is personal to me. Sometimes I feel that the blog is too impersonal and you don’t get to see how passionate I am. That is something that bothers me. This is my opportunity to share something with you that goes beyond mere coverage and start to make the change.
When I was challenged to start this blog by my friend, Ryan Hale, it was intended that the coverage was going to be news, reviews and the blending of real life with gaming. I think I’ve had some great successes and that I am still trying to find my footing in some areas. With almost 300 YouTube videos published it is clear where I’ve succeeded. But I feel a need to do more, I am going to return the original vision and add more real life to the blog. I really can’t think of a better place to start than Gen Con.