Comings Soon for Shadow Run

 Catalyst Game Labs, Shadowrun  Comments Off on Comings Soon for Shadow Run
May 122016

CAT27451_Market-Panic_Cover-240x300Shadowrun: Market Panic ($44.99)
Chaos is horrible for business—unless your business is shadowrunning. The Big Ten megacorporations of the Sixth World are reeling, with scandals, disasters, and crippling attacks coming at them from all angles. NeoNET is scrambling to maintain AAA status, Ares is trying not to let the secret rot at the heart of the corp become public, while Aztechnology, fresh from taking on a dragon in Amazonia, is looking at a facedown with another great dragon. And that’s not all—every corp is a pile of schemes, turmoil, upheaval, and teetering chaos, because that’s how they operate.

Market Panic runs down the state of the Big Ten for Shadowrun, providing the background, story developments, and plot hooks players and gamemasters need to add excitement, intrigue, and Sixth World flavor to their adventures and campaigns. If you’re going to run for or against the big megacorporations—and that includes all shadowrunners—this is critical information to have so you know what you might get thrown into, who you’re going up against, and how you might obtain enough intel to survive

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Hide the Kids

 Gaming News  Comments Off on Hide the Kids
Aug 122013

Hide the KidsHide the Kids

$24.99 SRP

Hide the Kids! is based on the Grimm Brothers tale of The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids. The game has been adapted for young children and is an on-table version of the all-time children’s favorite game “Hide & Seek”.

Within the game one of the players is chosen to take on the role of the wolf (finger-puppet) and the others players take on the role of the kids. The wolf will turn around and slowly count to ten, during which time the “kids” quickly hide under or behind the furniture. At each turn, the wolf is permitted to uncover two pieces of furniture, if a Kid is discovered, the wolf wins a Kid token. The kids win Pebble tokens if they are not found and will win more tokens if there are hidden and remain undiscovered while in the clock or in the tub. The first player, wolf or kid, to collect 7 tokens wins.

2-8 players

Ages 4+

20 minute play time


1 Rule book                                        1 Wolf puppet

7 Pieces of cardboard furniture            7 Wood Kid figures

49 Cardboard pebble/kid tokens