Pre-Convention Expectations
As a gaming convention virgin I really didn’t know what to expect from Con on the Cob in Hudson, Ohio. I’ve only been to a few “other” conventions of any sort (a toy-fare in Pittsburgh, PA and the Triplet Convention twice with my family), so I understood the general concept. Gamers gather, play all their favorite games, try out some new games, check out some cool and/or weird art, books and other gaming-related products, attend seminars, enjoy some entertainment and other parties.
Matt and I contacted many of the artists, vendors, game producers and other special guest to set up interviews and promote this site and our larger project of what Through Gamer Goggles is about to become.
And then we arrived.
Initial Impressions
We were a little early by intent, to give us time to meet Andy Hupp – the coordinator for the convention and artist extraordinaire (or at least extraordinarily weird) – as well as set up our own table and orient ourselves to the hotel facilities.
The first day Matt and I met a lot of artists, developers, etc. Check out the interviews! I cannot possibly thank all of you enough. But special thanks go out to Vicky Beaver from Savage-Mojo; Ben who ran some D&D Dungeon Delve encounters; Mary Ann of Chicken Hut Games; Jay and Sue of Lonely Die Press, John, Ryan, Ed, and Matt of Silvervine Games.
While I was secretly thankful for a cold that left my nose stuffy and unable to smell some of the less-than-hygienic gamers, I found this to be the most welcoming and friendly crowd ever. For a bunch of dice-rolling, basement dwelling, introverted geeks, even someone as shy as myself found it easy and enjoyable to interact with so many different people. As far as I could tell, a good time was had by all.