Panic On Wall Street from Asmodee

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Nov 242012

Panic On Wall Street

Release Date: Nov 2012

$ 39.99

Panic on Wall Street players are divided into Managers and Investors. Managers offer for sale shares of societies they are in charge of for as much as possible. Investors attempt to acquire them for as little as possible in order to get the best return possible. After two minutes of negotiation, a roll of the dice brings (sometimes drastic) changes to the economy, with major consequences for the balance sheet of each player. After five rounds of play (5 months), the manager and the investor who have accumulated the most money are each declared victors, the undisputed Masters of Commerce.

Here we go again Asmodee Editions gives you a chance to play as a Pro in the field of the stock market without any real money lose now play against your friend and see if you can make more money then them to gain those bragging rights.


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Archipelago from Asmodee

 Asmodee Editions, Gaming News  Comments Off on Archipelago from Asmodee
Nov 232012


Release Date: Nov 2012

$ 79.99

Are you ready to take-on your discovery mission to the archipelago? Each player takes on the role of an explorer and their team, mandated by a European nation to discover, colonize and profit from the archipelagos. These missions are supposed to happen diplomatically, by answering the needs of the local population as much as the regular demands from the continent. You’ll have to respect the archipelago and its natives as otherwise, they’ll begin to revolt and that might end up with a war for independence. That’s not taking into account that among you a separatist and a pacifist might be hidden, who will both tip the scales toward revolt or peace, respectively! Archipelago combines exploration, resource management, optimization, cooperation, strategy, negotiation, corruption, commerce, suspicion, alliances and betrayals, even a hint of investigation!


• Modular game with vast possibilities.

• A semi-cooperative game by Christophe Boelinger (Dungeon Twister, Earth Reborn).

• The possibility of choosing the length of your game – from 30 minutes to 5 hours.

Come check out this ever changing game from Asmodee Editions and see if you can rule a new colony today.

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