Orc Warfare Review

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Sep 282015

510scjhToeL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Orc Warfare

By Chris Pramas

Publisher Osprey Publishing


Orc Warfare is an interpretation of how orcs live and war; the two are very closely related.  Chris starts by taking a look at the social and racial structures.  From there he moves to detailed descriptions of orc troops.  The last section is an anthology on tales of historic orc victories.

Orc Warfare goes over the orc physique for each of the “sub types” – goblins, orcs, and great orcs.  Without spoiling too much, goblins are about four feet tall and amount to roughly twenty-five percent of the population.  Orcs are the dominant of the species and they fill more roles in society.  The great orcs are effectively born  for war.  Being the largest of the species, you can imagine how they might be used, but you don’t have to because Chris gives us more than enough information on them.

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Dec 072013

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