Coconuts Duo from Mayday Games in February

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Jan 312015

monkeyCoconuts Duo



In this game, you use your monkey launcher and your skill to fling coconuts into cups, claim them, and place them on your board. By stacking a pyramid of six cups you win the game and can claim the title of the monkey king, but beware of the new powerful magic cards the other player may use!


Coconuts Duo can be played as a tense two-player game with ten new special magic cards, or it can be combined with the original Coconuts to play a five- or six-player game. Either way, you will have a lot of coconut-flinging fun!


Coconuts Duo is a 2 player standalone expansion for the dexterity game Coconuts.


2 players

Ages 6+

Zombie Fried

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Apr 182013

zombie fried1Zombie Fried

$19.95 SRP


We have good news and bad news for you. The bad news: the zombie apocalypse has already happened and the humans lost. Zombies now rule the world. They go to Zombie work, pay Zombie taxes, and hang out at the local Zombie malls. It’s not at all a pretty sight for humans. The good news: it’s flipping hilarious! In Zombie Fried, you, and you alone, have the power to hire someone else to do your dirty work while you take all the credit. You alone have the ability to invent crazy weapons that somehow work, even though you have never even fired a flare gun, much less a real one. So tread carefully my friends. Go forth and rid the world of the Zombie horde once and for all. But do it before some other Joe beats you to it – or before another flippin’ Zombie Rights Rally starts. Man, I hate those!

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