New From Mr. B. Games

 MR. B Games  Comments Off on New From Mr. B. Games
Apr 292016

mrbFar Space Foundry



The Far Space Federation is leading an ongoing peacekeeping mission. The crew on the front lines are in constant need of new supplies and equipment, so the Federation has set up a massive supply line network. This network is composed of massive space stations called Foundries. Some Foundries are specialized in mining and processing ore from asteroids. Other Foundries are equipped with robotic manufacturing and repair facilities. Your job is to keep the flow of supplies going efficiently as possible.

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Figure Forge 69 Eisenkern Stromtrooper with Sub Machine Gun

 Featured, Figure Forge, Wargames Factory  Comments Off on Figure Forge 69 Eisenkern Stromtrooper with Sub Machine Gun
Apr 282015

In this Figure Forge Matt assembles an Eisenkern Stormtrooper with his submachine gun. The Eisenkern Stormtroopers are available from Wargames Factory.

When I first opened the box these were a little intimidating.  But when I started to put them together they really weren’t bad at all.