7 Wonders Cities from Asmodee Games Coming in July

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Jun 042012

7 Wonders: Cities

$ 29.99 SRP


7 Wonders – Cities is the new extension of the award-winning 7 Wonders game. For an added challenge, you can play all three versions together 7 Wonders, 7 Wonders – Leaders and 7 Wonders – Cities. Far from the pomp of palaces and gardens, in the darkest alleys, gold changing hands, exchanging information, alliances are formed and secrets are betrayed. This extension provides a new family of cards that complements Ages already existing in 7 Wonders. Now, mercenaries, thieves, spies and diplomats will give a new scale to your cities. Reap the benefits by sowing discord among your opponents, play them off each other and push them into debt. For up to 8 players.



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New from Asmodee Editions Monster Chase

 Asmodee Editions, Board Games, Gaming News  Comments Off on New from Asmodee Editions Monster Chase
Apr 262012

Monster Chase

$ 14.99 SRP


Monster Chase is a cooperative game. This means that, instead of competing against each other, the players must unite their forces to beat the monsters. The players win or lose together. The goal of the game is to use your toys to scare all of the monsters back into the closet! Since all of the monsters are only scared of one toy, you will have to choose your toys carefully. If you don’t find the right toy, after 3 tries, you will have to add another monster around the bed. You win if you send all of the monsters to the closet. However… the Monsters win as soon as there are 4 monsters around the bed.

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