In this Figure Forge Matt shares with you the ease of assembling two of the female Apocalypse survivor figures from Wargames Factory.
Women with guns are always cool!
Box Breaking 134 Apocalypse Survivors the Men
Matt busts open the Apocalypse survivors from Wargames Factory. This is a great set to create a “Walking Dead” kind of feel on your tabletop.
You can pick them up at Wargames Factory.
New Munchkin Goodies from Steve Jackson Games
Release Date: Nov 2012
$ 24.95
In Munchkin Apocalypse, every possible natural (and unnatural) disaster has happened. You are a rugged survivor in a world full of people – and things – that want to kill you and take your stuff. So do it to them first! And what’s with all these seals running around? Don’t they know the world’s about to end? You should keep an eye on that seventh one in particular . . . Tell the Players • Kill the monsters, take their stuff, and survive the end of the world. • A new card type: Disasters! You want them to happen to the other players. • Just to keep things interesting, there’s an alternate victory condition!
+6 Bag o’ Radioactive Munchkin D6
Release Date: Nov 2012
$ 6.95
These are 6-siders, and there are six in the package. Three of them match the Munchkin Apocalypse die. The other three do not. They are scary green and orange. They have the Munchkin head in place of the 1. Your customers will buy them so they can kill monsters and take their stuff. Tell the Players • You can never have too many dice! Half of them match the Munchkin Apocalypse die. The others are the same colors in reverse. • They actually work with other games, but why would you play anything else? • It’s Munchkin. It’s dice. What more do you need to know?
I don’t know about you all but I love a good game of Munchkins and if you never played it you need to get some and play a game Steve Jackson Games has so many version you will find one you like and you can mix all of them together to make a fun mess of a game for a great game night.
Age of Apocalypse: Generation Next From Margaret Weis
Age of Apocalypse: Generation Next
$ 19.99
Shadowcat and Colossus lead a team of teenage mutants on dangerous missions against Apocalypse’s forces: Generation Next! Expand the timeline of the Age Of Apocalypse Event with the fateful mission against the Sugar Man in the Seattle Core and encounter new threats and opposition along the way.
If you would like to learn more about Age of Apocalypse you can visit Margaret Weis Productions.