In this Flip Through Matt takes a hard look at Starfinder and discusses how it’s different from Pathfinder first edition.
After only playing a couple of times I like it!
In this Flip Through Matt takes a hard look at Starfinder and discusses how it’s different from Pathfinder first edition.
After only playing a couple of times I like it!
I caught up with Mark Seifter at Origins Game Fair 2018 and we spoke about Barbarians for Pathfinder 2
Everyone who watches this has plus two rage protection.
I caught up with Jason Hardy at Origins Game Fair 2018. We talked about Street Lethal, No Future and Crossfire 1.x!
There is still sometime to jump on Sprawl ops if you haven’t checked it out. Check back around Gen Con to see what Jason Hardy has tucked away.
In this Flip Through join Matt as he becomes one of Bigby’s students as we study Mordenkainen’s view on different rivalries over the years and the monsters involved in those campaigns.
This book is pretty much over the top!
Matt Reviews Coalition Wars Final Siege. Stop in and see how Tolkeen is fairing against the Coalition.
This completes the Coalition Wars series. I hope you come back soon.
Monday, April 16, 2018
Now that we’re done with previews of Jungle of Despair—which releases next week—I’m excited to announce the next Pathfinder Battles miniatures set from our partners at WizKids.
Currently scheduled for an October release, Pathfinder Battles: Kingmaker, is the fifteenth set of prepainted plastic miniatures in the popular Pathfinder Battles line. Featuring 44 randomized figures in sizes ranging from Small to Large, and six pieces of dungeon dressing, Pathfinder Battles: Kingmaker exemplifies the commitment to quality sculpts and paint jobs, as well as variety and utility of figures, the line is known for.
As always, customers who order a case of Pathfinder Battles: Kingmaker boosters will also have the opportunity to purchase the set’s case incentive. This set’s two-figure incentive features the earth and water elemental lords, completing the Huge elemental series we began last year in Maze of Death with the air and fire elemental lords.
My Dragonfire play through and review. This is my first attempt at a real play through. Dragonfire is a fully cooperative deck builder where I would say you must cooperate or die. Dragonfire is set in the realm of Dungeons and Dragons and is made by Catalyst Game Labs.
I hope you like it. I do believe I made an error or 2. I think i’m going to post a follow up video that is a play through of the first round. I learned a lot and had all kinds of problems with software.
I have played Dragonfire several times since I filmed this video and I I think I’ll be replacing this in the near future.
Day 2 of #my30dayworld What is the name of my Game world and how I created it.
Tomorrow the nefarious villain.
In this episode of Role-Play Ramblings Matt talks about the Pathfinder 2nd Ed announcement. Find out what he likes, and needs to know more about, plus he discusses some of his thoughts on leveling up and the Fighter class.
I’m not nearly as, skeptical about this as I was 5 E and look at how well that’s doing.