“What’s in the box” – Open the Green Box event and more comes to Indianapolis – Arc Dream announces Gen Con festivities

(CHELSEA, AL-July 26th) Award winning Arc Dream Publishing has a plethora of announcements for Gen Con 2016. More than two dozen role-playing games of Delta Green will be run, along with six games of Godlike and three of Monsters and Other Childish Things. Event information can be found at http://arcdream.com/home/2016/07/join-us-at-gen-con/. Creators will be on hand to sign Better AngelsA Dirty WorldGodlike, Monsters and Other Childish Things, the Reign EnchiridionWild Talents, back issues of The Unspeakable Oath, and a number of Delta Green fiction anthologies. Arc Dream even has a new Delta Green T-shirt. Want to get the first look at the Puppetland RPG? Get your sneak first peak at the color proof in its entirety from Arc Dream at Booth 623. Make sure and get your copies of Delta Green’s Need to Know and Agent’s Handbook as they are currently up for three Ennie Awards: Best Writing and Best Supplement for the Agent’s Handbook, and Best Free Game for Need to Know. Gen Con is the longest-running, best-attended gaming convention in the country and runs from August 4–7, 2016. Last year, the convention set records with a unique attendance of 61,423 and a turnstile attendance of 197,695.

Arc Dream has something special in mind for only the bravest of gamers, a chance to Open the Green Box. This is a must for any Delta Green fan but it’s an amazing chance for any Gen Con attendee. Sign up at Booth 623 and get a chance to Open the Green Box. The Green Box will have…things inside. Delta Green fans may like them. Delta Green fans may fear them. The Green Box will be opened Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 5pm. You must be at the booth at that time to participate.

About Arc Dream Publishing

Arc Dream Publishing (www.arcdream.com) is a small-press publisher of high-quality games and fiction, founded by writer and artist Dennis Detwiller and writer and editor Shane Ivey. Arc Dream produces the critically-acclaimed role-playing games Delta Green, Monsters and Other Childish Things, Wild Talents, Better Angels, the World War II superhero game Godlike, and the infamous horror gaming magazine The Unspeakable Oath.