Two New D-Day Dice Expansions From Valley Games

D-Day Dice: Operation Neptune

Release Date: Nov 2012

$ 14.95

Operation Neptune offers 6 new Battle Maps: 4 of them are normal Battle Maps and 2 are double-sized, giant Battle Maps. New features like the “Command Posts” and the “Few Good Men” rules give these new maps a character of their own. This expansion also includes 2 new Items, 2 new Awards and 1 new Specialist, the “Executive Officer”, who comes in 4 different versions (depending on the player color).


D-Day Dice: Normandy Expansion

Release Date: Nov 2012

$ 9.95

This small expansion contains 4 new Battle Maps, using some of the new features introduced in the “Operation Neptune” expansion (including special rules if you don’t own Operation Neptune).

Check these and other products from Valley Games.

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