Tag: Ed Beard

  • Con on the Cob

    Well the first day of Con on The Cob is done.

    I am quite surprised at how cool this game convention is.  It packs a lot of surprises.

    • Armie Swekel
    • Mike Varhola
    • Sandra Garity  and more which we will cover in more detail later.

    Everyone is jovial and willing to talk.


    I hope to satr bringing you interviews tomorrow from the con.

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  • Through Gamer Goggles to attend Con on the Cob

    In two weeks time we at Through Gamer goggles will be coming off the web to bring you news From Hudson Ohio.  Why?  To bring you great coverage of Con on the Cob.  CotC is a convention full of games, parties, art, and freaks.  Yes, it is a four day invasion of minds altered by fantasy and science fiction.

    What we will be doing is covering the convention.   Our goal is to provide you with as much information as we can possibly bring you.  We hope to interview every guest and post them here within 7 days of the event.  Through Gamer Goggles has also planned a few events.  Not to mention we plan on interviewing fellow gamers about their experiences.

    Check back soon for more information like event descriptions.

    In two weeks you should swing by and partake in the fun.

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