Tag: Comedy Central

  • Jodi DiPiazza and Weird Al at A Night of Too Many Stars – It Gave Me Goose Bumps.

    I have been a “Weird” Al fan since well a long time.  I check all of his albums if I can.  So when this popped up in my Facebook feed I had to check it.  Jodi and “Weird” Al perform Yoda.  I have heard this song hundreds of times now, but this rendition is moving, and about 3 minutes in I got goose bumps.


    What makes it so special? View it at whosay.  Jodi and the chorus of children are all autistic! One of those things that is just too cool not to share.


    Way to go Al.  You make a difference.   Thanks for being who you are.  An d thank you whosay for posting the article.