Feb 142015

pennyPenny Press


Set during the tumultuous ‘yellow journalism’ years at the end of the 19th century, Penny Press has players taking on the roles of newspaper barons as they strive to become the dominant paper in old New York City.

On each turn, you’ll be able to take one action with your reporters (placing or moving them onto stories) or go to press, if you think you’re ready!  Going to press involves laying out the story pieces on your player board to form the front page of your paper, but you’ll only be able to print stories that you’ve got a majority of reporters on.


The player with the best front pages that have the most desirable stories will score more points and increase your circulation! So send your reporters out and start up the presses, because in the newpaper business, news travels FAST!


Featuring beautiful artwork from Mackenzie Schubert, this game has an attractive box and great shelf presence!


2-5 players

45-60 minute play time

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