More Munchkin Apocalypse


Relive the End of the World!


Doomsday has come to the Guest Artist series with Munchkin Apocalypse Guest Artist Edition and Munchkin Apocalypse 2 Guest Artist Edition, available exclusively at Barnes & Noble! Len Peralta is back, with a fresh take on the post-apocalyptic wasteland. In addition to new Door, Treasure, and Seal cards, Munchkin Apocalypse Guest Artist Edition features 12 player standies and a circular board unique to this version! This is the first time a guest artist has tackled an expansion, with Munchkin Apocalypse 2 Guest Artist Edition adding 106 new cards to the fray. As part of our Guest Artist Edition line, these titles have limited print runs.


Len Peralta is known for his work on Star Munchkin Guest Artist Edition, Munchkin The Guild, Munchkin comics, and his own Geek a Week trading cards. Munchkin Line Editor Andrew Hackard had this to say: “Len’s vision of the End Times is wonderful. It will be a pleasure to experience a fiery death with his art to guide me.”


About Steve Jackson Games

Steve Jackson Games, based in Austin, Texas, has been publishing games, game books, and magazines since 1980. Its best-selling game is Munchkin, with almost 7 million games and supplements in print worldwide. Other top sellers are GURPS (the Generic Universal RolePlaying System), Zombie Dice, and Illuminati. Past hits have included Car Wars and Toon. Steve’s very first game, Ogre, originally released in 1977, drew almost a million dollars’ worth of Kickstarter support in 2012 for a super-deluxe edition, released in late 2013.