Legend of the Five Rings: Twenty Festivals Booster Display
The heir to the throne has been announced and the coronation scheduled. The Great Clans and their samurai rejoice at the opportunity to serve their new Emperor, grateful that the matter of succession has been determined with no Imperial blood spilt.
Meanwhile across the Empire, those with the gift of foresight begin to awaken in the night, with barely-remembered dreams of dread and destruction sending glacial chills down their spine as they rapidly escape from their minds.
Twenty Festivals is a base set for the Legend of the Five Rings Collectible Card Game, featuring ready-to-play starter decks for each of the nine Clans of the Emerald Empire of Rokugan and 16-card booster packs.
Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the premiere interactive storyline CCG with this ideal point of entry product.
Pick a deck up and proudly bear the colors of one of the 9 Great Clans of Rokugan as they celebrate the coronation of a new Emperor!
Booster contains:
36 booster packs of 16 cards each, with a chance for a foil rare card in each