Hordes: Circle of Orboros: Druid Mist Riders: Blackclad Unit
A new plastic cavalry unit for Circle Orboros.
Combining the arcane power of the Druids of Orboros with the lightning-fast speed and maneuverability of cavalry, the Druid Mist Riders offer Circle players a strong anti-infantry option for their armies. With SPD 8 and the Chain Lighting magic ability, a unit of Mist Riders can clear out vast swathes of enemy infantry without ever needing to engage in the brutal press of melee.
1 Mist Rider unit
1 color stat card
Warmachine: Cygnar: Commander Coleman Stryker:
This is a metal version of the Cygnar Mk II Battlegroup Box warcaster Commander Coleman Stryker featured in WARMACHINE: Prime.
This metal version of the classic battlegroup box Cygnar warcaster gives Cygnar players both old and new the chance to bring the might of Commander Stryker to their games. A versatile warcaster, Commander Stryker has a solid range of army-enhancing spells, including Arcane
Shield to grant additional armor, Snipe to increase his troops’ range, and
his signature spell Earthquake, which knocks enemies helpless to the
1 Commander Coleman Stryker
2 color stat cards
Warmachine: The Protectorate of Menoth: High Exemplar Kreoss: Warcaster
This is a metal version of the Protectorate of Menoth Mk II Battle Box warcaster High Exemplar Kreoss featured in WARMACHINE: Prime.
This metal version of the classic battlegroup box warcaster gives Protectorate players both old and new the chance to bring the might of High Exemplar Kreoss to their games. A paragon of the holy exemplar order, Kreoss boasts
the incredible Purification spell, which allows him to remove all enemy upkeep spells and continuous effects in his control range. In addition, his feat Menoth’s Wrath grants significant lethality to his army by knocking down all enemies within his 14” control range.
1 High Exemplar Kreoss
2 color stat cards
Warmachine: Cryx: Warwitch Deneghra: Warcaster
This metal version of the classic battlegroup box warcaster gives Cryx players both old and new the chance to bring the might of Warwith Deneghra to their games. Highly skilled at wielding the withering power of necromantic magic, Deneghra excels not at boosting her troops’ own power, but crippling her enemy’s with spells like Crippling Grasp, Parasite, and Scourge. In addition, Deneghra’s feat The Withering can spread these debilitating effects over the entire enemy army for a round.
1 Warwitch Deneghra
2 color stat cards