Author: aremis

  • Sorry Gamers

    Sorry about that we had to make a server move and it wasn’t as nice as we would have liked.


    We are back now. Well mostly, our emails are still down should be fixed tonight.



    Tomorrow look for some Con on the Cob interviews

  • Wow What a weekend Con on the Cob and an Anniversary

    Wow, this was a busy weekend.   Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Con on the Cob (CotC) was in Hudson Ohio.  Besides that my parents had there 50th anniversary.   Here is a quick bulletin of how it panned out.

    • Thursday and Friday guest interviews.
    • Saturday  50th anniversary back to CotC  to hear some bands and take in some of the parties.
    • Sunday hang out with mom and dad.  then head over to CotC for a couple more interviews.


    We will have continued coverage of the con popping up on the blog as we edit the audio files this week and as they are approved bye the guests.

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  • Con on the Cob

    Well the first day of Con on The Cob is done.

    I am quite surprised at how cool this game convention is.  It packs a lot of surprises.

    • Armie Swekel
    • Mike Varhola
    • Sandra Garity  and more which we will cover in more detail later.

    Everyone is jovial and willing to talk.


    I hope to satr bringing you interviews tomorrow from the con.

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