How to assemble Khador’s Wacaster Kommander Scorscha for Warmachine from Privateer Press.
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How to assemble Khador’s Wacaster Kommander Scorscha for Warmachine from Privateer Press.
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Hi all we are back with another video on how to assemble the Khador Man-0-war Shocktrooper. These models are from the Privateer Press Two-Player Battle Box for Warmachine.
Here is our video on how to build an Exemplar Cinerator from Privateer Press
We suggest you watch it in the provided size. We are working on a new camera. This is too fun not to get a new so you can enjoy these more.
More videos to come soon. Thank you all so much for watching our videos.
Mike Varhola was the Guest of Honor this year at Con on the Cob. His interview covers these points
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Interview with Mike Vahola@Michael Varhola cotc 2011.mp3″ captions=”Interview At Con on the Cob 2011″ vol=100 autoplay=n dload=n list=y title=”Coblin Player” width=100%]
Mike can be found online at Skirmisher.
We hope you liked what you saw. If you have questions or comments please ask. Also thanks to Privateer Press for great toys, and for finding the score TYG Das Kombat by Digital Motion. Oh and of course to Digital Motion for making music for others to use.
Check back soon for assembly instruction, rules demos, and A Breaking the Box Battle Report.
Thanks for watching.
Sandra Covers these points very well
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Interview with Sandra Garity@Sandra garity cotc 2011111014_002.mp3″ captions=”Interview At Con on the Cob 2011″ vol=100 autoplay=n dload=n list=y title=”Coblin Player” width=100%]
She would like to hear from her Fans. She can be found on facebook.
For our 4th installment We have Sean Patrick Fannon.
Sean talks about A LOT OF GOOD STUFF.
![]() Hottest New Title ![]() Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition |
This is a really good listen for fans and industry trolls.
You can find Sean at home on google+.
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Interview with Sean Patrick Fannon@Sean P Fannon cotc 2011 111014_003.mp3″ captions=”Interview At Con on the Cob 2011″ vol=100 autoplay=n dload=n list=y title=”Coblin Player” width=100%]
This is a seminar Mike Varhola (Guest of Honor) did on the magazine concept that is D Infinity Magazine.
It is good for both gamers and industry professionals.
I apologize for being late to the event- the first 2 minutes or so is missing. It isOK though we discuss a lot of it again in the interview with Mike.
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”D Infinity Magazine – Seminar@d infinity magazine seminar cotc 2011.mp3″ captions=”Interview At Con on the Cob 2011″ vol=100 autoplay=n dload=n list=y title=”Coblin Player” width=100%]
I will include a review if D Infinity as soon as I get my copy back.
Don’s Interview will pretty much cover these points.
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Interview with Don Goddard@
Don Goddard cotc 111016_002.mp3″ captions=”Interview At Con on the Cob 2011″ vol=100 autoplay=n dload=n list=y title=”Coblin Player” width=100%]
Don can be found on facebook.
Well, after a long week with a lot of mishaps and things getting in the way of production. We have managed to finish the interviews from Con on the Cob 2011. I will be posting these throughout the day and into tomorrow. So with no more time wasted here is our first.
The interview covers these basic points
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Heather kreiter CotC 2011.mp3@Heather kreiter CotC 2011.mp3″ captions=”Interview At Con on the Cob 2011″ vol=100 autoplay=n dload=n list=y title=”Coblin Player” width=100%]
Heather can be found facebook and at Shaman Souls Studio.