Author: aremis

  • Figure Forge Assembling the Necron Lychguard

    In this episode of Figure Forge Danny builds the two poses for the Necron Lychguard from Games Workshop.  He also talks about how much he is looking forward putting them on the battlfield.  If you are a Necron player you will enjoy this installment because it makes building your army look easy.


    Come back soon For the Deathmarks and the Immortals, meanwhile if you like what you have seen please follow us on twitter and +1 us.

  • Dark Age Demonstration.

    We learned a lot this time out.

    Like how much we really need a new camera or two no make that three.


    With that being said we would like you to watch it still and point out our game play faults.



    Keep coming back guys these will get better.

  • Happy Thanksgiving

    From all of us at Through Gamer Goggles Happy Thanks Giving

  • Figure Forge Assembling the Necron Triarch Praetorians

    In this episode of Figure Forge Danny assemble 2 of the builds for the Necron Triarch Praetorians.   These models are from the Triarch Preatorian/Lychguard box set.


    That looks easy.   Pop quize … How many times did he glue the model to his hand?


    Come back later today for the Lychguard and tomorrow I hope to have the Immortals or the Death marks up.  But that all depends on dinner at mom and dads.

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  • Rules concerning Blodcrazed Neonate

    Over the last couple of weeks we have seen Bloodcrazed Neonates name in our search terms more than once.  The question normally situated with the terms is something like “what does attack each turn if able mean?” or “Does Bloodcrazed neonate force the attack step?”.   The first question is fairly obvious.  The second is not quite as simple, but it has a fairly easy answer.


  • New Releases for Dystopian Wars

    Here is a gallery of new releases for Dystopian Wars.  I have not had the chance to play this game yet.  But it is in my opinion one of the coolest looking games out there. My favorite is the Valley Class Airship

    [flagallery gid=12 name=”Gallery”]


    I hope to get a set of the the rules in December and give it a run for its money.

  • Figure Forge Assembling Warpath’s Marauder

    As promised we are bring you our first installment of Figure Forge on the Warpath Game line.  This episode features the Marauder.


    That is our first Model from the Warpath 2 player starter box.  I think it is a really cool model.  I am going to use it in several games

    Music found at

    The song The Hunt is performed by Finn

  • Ice Dice Demo

    Ice Dice is a fun game that is easy to play.  It is easy to learn.  Ice Dice is a game that teaces basic critical thinking skill, and strategies.


    There you have it a great Game from Looney Labs

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  • Hell Dorado New Releases in December

    Here is a gallery of  whats New with Hell Dorado.

    [flagallery album=4 name=”Hell Dorado in December”]


    I haven’t actually seen any of these figs yet but the pictures look awesome.

  • Hot News! Paizo Publishing to License an MMO

    Paizo publishing announced that they were teaming up with Goblin works.   Below is the official announcement.


    Paizo Licenses Pathfinder MMO Rights

    Goblinworks to Produce Next-Generation Fantasy Sandbox MMO

    November 21, 2011 (REDMOND, Wash.) – Paizo Publishing, LLC has licensed the MMORPG electronic gaming rights to its smash-hit Pathfinder Roleplaying Game intellectual property to Goblinworks, a Redmond, Washington game developer and publisher that will create Pathfinder Online, a next-generation fantasy sandbox massively multiplayer online game. Founded by Paizo co-owner Lisa Stevens (Pathfinder RPG, Vampire: The Masquerade, Magic: The Gathering), game industry veteran Ryan S. Dancey (Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition, EVE Online), and experienced MMO developer Mark Kalmes (Microsoft, Cryptic Studios, CCP), Goblinworks is an independent company that will work with Paizo Publishing to bring the award-winning world and adventures of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game to the online gaming market. The process has only just begun, and there is plenty of opportunity for gamers to get in on the ground floor of this exciting new project. Paizo and Goblinworks are committed to soliciting player feedback about the Pathfinder Online project, and more information can be found at
    Pathfinder Online will cast players as heroes in a unique online fantasy world filled with sword & sorcery adventures and kingdoms inhabited and controlled by thousands of competing players. Players can explore, develop, adventure, and dominate by playing fighters, rogues, clerics, or any of Pathfinder’s many character classes, or they can go beyond the standard options to create nearly any type of character imaginable. Find lairs, ruins, and caverns filled with monstrous creatures and incredible treasure. Build glittering cities of castles and bustling markets. Take to the battlefield with vast armies to seize and hold territory. Players change the world and create new stories as they compete for resources, land, and military might. The possibilities are endless.
    “I’ve been hoping for a chance to work with Lisa and the Paizo team on a Pathfinder project for years, and now that we’re joining forces to produce Pathfinder Online, I couldn’t be happier or more excited,” said Goblinworks CEO Ryan S. Dancey. “My goal is to bring the high-quality experience Paizo has delivered for Pathfinder to the MMO platform, and to give players another fantastic way to experience the world of Golarion.”

    Learn more about Pathfinder Online at


    Paizo Publishing®, LLC is a leading publisher of fantasy roleplaying games, accessories, board games, and novels. Paizo’s Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game, the result of the largest open playtest in the history of tabletop gaming, is currently the best-selling tabletop roleplaying game in hobby stores. Pathfinder Adventure Path is the most popular and best-selling monthly product in the tabletop RPG industry. is the leading online hobby retail store, offering tens of thousands of products from a variety of publishers to customers all over the world. In the nine years since its founding, Paizo Publishing has received more than 50 major awards and has grown to become one of the most influential companies in the hobby games industry.

    Goblinworks is the developer and publisher of Pathfinder Online, a next-generation fantasy sandbox MMO. The company is located in the Seattle suburb of Redmond. It was founded in 2011 by a dedicated group of creative professionals with backgrounds in tabletop hobby gaming and online videogame development. Goblinworks is dedicated to creating a fun, immersive online gaming experience for the fantasy roleplaying enthusiast. Its goal is to deliver the best sword & sorcery massively multiplayer game on the market by starting with a carefully designed core of features and iterating on the content continuously after launch, with the input and feedback of the player community.


    If you are a Pathfinder fan that sounds like a good thing.  We will keep you up to date as much as we can.  Who knows maybe we will interview Goblinworks and Paizo Staffers.

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