Author: aremis

  • Magic the Gathering Card Advantage

    I’ve been talking with a lot of newer players lately. They’ve been bringing it to my attention that many of them don’t understand simple concepts or maneuvers that effect the balance of power between players. These concepts or maneuvers, as I like to think of them, are card advantage, card quality, tempo, and board control. All of these can be quite simple to explain and quite difficult to master. Part of that might be because they are often so closely related that a player might not be able to tell them apart. For example at times it isn’t that difficult to confuse card advantage with card quality. Which in turn could also be tempo. But wait a minute, we are getting ahead of ourselves. Lets talk about what each of them is before we get carried away in debates.


    Card advantage is a series of plays, or a play where a player has gained an advantage in the number of cards drawn and or used from their deck. In short card advantage is staying ahead of your opponent by drawing more cards than your opponent, or making plays that force you opponent to use more cards than you.


    The classic expression 2 for one can easily be applied to card advantage. It makes perfect sense to everyone, I hope, that if one player plays 2 cards for every one of the opposing players he will not have cards for long.


    I have taken the time to find some examples of card advantage.


  • I saw this for Magic the Gathering and Had to Share.

    Magic players are a great group of gamers.  Many of them are tech savvy as you can see in this video.


    Is that cool or what?

  • L5R imperial Histories coming in January

    L5R: Imperial Histories

    $39.99 SRP


    The Imperial Histories recount the triumphs of the Emerald Empire and the most noble Emperors who have lead it in shining glory. Maintained by the dutiful Miya and the devoted Ikoma families, the Imperial Histories are a testament to the Emperor’s unfailing leadership and the never wavering loyalty of his servants. All samurai of the empire can look upon them and be assured of the imperial family’s unquestionable judgment and guidance of the Emerald Empire.

    At least, the official imperial histories are such.  The truth…much more interesting. The Imperial Histories pulls back the curtain on many tumultuous eras of the Emerald Empire; revealing not only the glories of the Rokugani, but also their failings and tribulations. Providing a wealth of information for players and GMs alike, this tome serves as a resource for playing in various times of the Empire, or bringing elements of those times to your characters and campaigns.

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  • January releases for Dark Age

    Here are the January Releases for Dark Age.

     Forsaken Sister of Compassion

    Forsaken Weaponsmith

    Forsaken Medic

    Forsaken Warwind

    Dragyri Slingslave (6)

    Dragyri Shardslave (6)

    Dragyri Taskmaster

    Dragyri Soul Warden #1

    Dragyri Soul Warden #2


    [flagallery album=7 name=”Dark Age”]


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  • Building 16k Warhammer Fantasy My First Converted Centigor

    If you haven’t read the first two installments of this article you might want to start there.


    I have gone ahead and converted a Ellyrian Reaver into a Centigor.  Since, I am not very artsy I am quite happy with the result.  I even think it is a better representation of the what I believe a Centigor should look like than the actual models.   Below I will give you the step by step instructions that I used followed by a gallery of photos.


  • News From Cryptozoic World of Warcraft Clash of Champions CCG



    WoW: Clash of Champions

    $ 45.00 SRP


    A new deck building game, centered around one of the most popular online worlds – World of Warcraft: Clash of Champions. Players take on the role of their favorite World of Warcraft Heroes: Thrall, Jaina, King Varian, Garrosh, Sylvanas, and King Magn. Each Hero has special abilities that only they can use in combat. As Heroes level, these special abilities shuffle into their decks. Face off against up to 126 Monster Cards and 9 Epic Bosses. For each victory against an Epic Boss, Heroes level up! Defeat monsters, gather loot, bring down bosses, and stand victorious. World of Warcraft: Clash of Champions allows for incredible replayability with 425 Game Cards. No two games will play the same!


    Contents Summary:

    • 425 Game Cards
    • 24 Unique Hero Ability Cards
    • 28 Recruit Starting Cards
    • 28 Gold Coin Starting Cards
    • 126 Item Cards (9 each of 14 different cards)
    • 126 Monster Cards (9 each of 14 different cards)
    • 3 Hall of Champions Cards
    • 9 Epic Boss Cards
    • 32 Boss Loot Cards
    • 20 Poison Cards 28 Randomizer Cards
    • 1 Deleted Stack Card
    • 6 Oversized Hero Cards
    • 1 Rulebook
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  • Coming Soon from WizKids Incredible Hulk Counter-Top Display



    The Hulk smashes into the HeroClix arena in a big way! Featuring your beloved Green Goliath and his arch rivals Abomination and The Leader as well as sub-themes from Planet Hulk, World War Hulks, Fall of the Hulks, and the New Fantastic Four, this 51 figure set features the “Enhanced Alter Ego” mechanics, which includes the new Reverse Alter-Ego and the continuation of the “In Pack, Buy it By the Brick Figure” (AIMarine Red Hulk)! The Incredible Hulk Counter-Top Display is packed with 24 single-figure blind boosters (four bricks of six figures) featuring a compilation of 10 figures from the base set all completely redialed and ready for action in any HeroClix format.


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  • New Malifaux From Wyrd Miniatures

    These models have an expected release date of December 16th 2011

    Arcanists: Ramos (alternative)
    Arcanists: Ramos, Avatar of Invention (box)
    Arcanists: Rasputina (alternative)
    Arcanists: Rasputina, Avatar (box)
    Outcasts: McTavish
    Outcasts: Sue


    [flagallery album=8 name=”Malifaux Releases”]

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  • Figure Forge The Protectorate of Menoth Harbinger

    In this episode of Figure Forge Matt assembles the Harbinger from Privateer Press.   It is not the easiest model to assemble.  But, if you follow these step and spread them out over the course of a couple of days it will go much smoother than it did for me.  You model will also go together in better time than mine did.  All in all I am happy with the end result.


  • Games Workshop Holiday Releases

    This month in December GW is giving us some good deals and some new models.



    The monster Ghorgon) above is one of the many fantasy releases you can find here.  Thy also have two really good army deals.  one for the High Elves, and the other for Skaven.



    For 40k they have two army deals MegaForces) that won’t be around long.  The Dark Eldar ( I wish I had 600 bucks to spare  for three) and the Space Marines.   Both of them rock in at 215 dollars and contain about 300.00 worth of product.  you can view them here.


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