Author: aremis

  • New Game Fom Crytazoic Miskatonic School for Girls DBG

    MSFG has players assuming the roles of rival houses at Miskatonic. Each house has a healthy level of sanity (20) at the beginning of the game. As the game goes on, that precious sanity will slowly be torn away by the faculty of the school. In order to combat the bad teaching methods of the Great Old Ones, the students of the house need to band together! The project is led by award winning game designer Luke Peterschmidt. Luke has been working as a professional game designer for the past 16 years, on projects ranging from the Guardians CCG, to the Legend of the Five Rings CCG, to Bakugan (yes, that Bakugan). This project marks his return to his geek roots.



    Miskatonic is expected to release in April.

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  • New For Dungeons and Dragons 4e Book of Vile Darkness

    This roleplaying game product is intended for Dungeon Masters looking to broaden their campaigns to include dark subject matter and truly evil threats. It features a detailed look at the nature of evil and the complex challenge of confronting the many dilemmas found within the deepest shadows. Filled with malignant secrets and musings that can inspire adventures or entire campaigns, The Book of Vile Darkness provides Dungeon Masters with sample roleplaying encounters, adventure hooks, skill challenges, rituals, and lore for some of the most despicable creatures to infest any campaign world, plus new character options for players who like to flirt with evil, and a full-color, double-sided poster map presenting iconic evil sites for heroes to explore.

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  • Basing Dark Arge Forsaken Warband.

    In this video i base the Forsaken Warband from Dark Age.  I use some manufactured and natural materials.

    From Army Painter I use

    • Battlefield Rock
    • Black Battleground
    • Swamp Tuft
    • Winter Tuft

    Some of the Natural elements used (more…)

  • Mantic Games Reveals Corportation Sculpts for Christmas

    If you haven’t signed up for Mantic Games newsletter here is a sample of what you are missing.


    The malevolent human Corporation is expanding its sphere of influence, annexing more and more star systems to its territories, bringing every alien civilization it can under its control. Or, if this proves impossible, exterminating them.

    Well trained and equipped with the best in military technology, Corporation Troopers are worth scores of the warriors of less advanced cultures. The Troopers’ armor is often invulnerable to the natives’ weapons, leaving them free to mercilessly mow down scores of the enemies with pulses from their laser weaponry. Indeed, a great many recruitment videos glory in human troops slaughtering spear-waving “savages” for the betterment of the cosmos. If they encounter heavier resistance, the Troopers can bring the awesome firepower of their tanks and powered exoskeletons to bear. In dire circumstances an expeditionary commander may petition Corporation Central to unleash their most specialized forces who will quickly dispatch even the most stubborn of foes.


    From its ancient beginnings on the Solar System, the Corporation has spread like a malignant cancer across the galaxy, covering entire sectors in its tyrannical rule and suffocating any attempt to live free of its clutches. Their expansion continues, but the galaxy is a big place. The Corporation is not the monolithic entity many think it to be, and suffers tensions between the great Houses and Companies that comprise it. And all those pampered, rich men who debate and bicker in the sterile halls of Corporation Central share one, deep-seated fear: that sooner or later the Corporation will meet its match in the unexplored expanses of deep space…


    Thank You Mantic for the sneak peak.

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  • Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas everyone.  We hope you enjoy the holiday and travel safe.

  • Painting Allegiant of the Order of the Fist Solo

    My first ever painting video.   This isn’t a how to video.  It is just me and my brush.  Let me know what you think.  i hope to put up one of these a week maybe more.    I really want to know what you think.



    Well, was it Ok?  I could definitely use a better camera and some practice no?

  • WizKids/Neca Align with Gale Force Nine to Create the Supremacy League

    HeroClix Supremacy League System is a focal point for organized play at the retail store level. The league serves to give a loose format to open play in stores without placing undue restrictions or requirements on participants. It supports a casual format of organized play that can supplement a store’s tournament events, and helps to create excitement in-store for ongoing play throughout the week.

    Record keeping is done entirely on the board, making it a breeze to run at the store level and minimizing the effort needed to implement it. It also serves as a focal point in the store, creating excitement for new players and long time players alike!




    The board includes five of the Convention Prize Exclusive Figures from 2011 – one copy each of Ms Marvel LE, DC Wonder Woman LE, and three Horsemen of the Apocalypse LE figures (one of each!). The figure value alone makes the kit a bargain, and the power of the board to pull players into the store will pay off dividends for a long time to

    come as players make purchases!

    The HeroClix Supremacy League System is expected to begin shipping in the first week of January. Some minor assembly is required.


    This sounds like a great way to push casual play.   A league that runs during regular events – so it doesn’t interfere with the games the players already planned on.  plus it has great prizes to boot.   We will try and get a better scoop on this from Alliance.


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  • Figure Forge Assembling the Circle of Orboros Celestial Fulcrum Battle Engine

    In this episode Matt shows you how easy it is to assemble the Celestial Fulcrum Battle Engine.

    Here are a couple of suggestions

    • Pay attention to the letters in the orb.
    • Magnetize the arms for the small orbs it will make storage much easier



    I hope you liked it.  if you did follow us on twitter.

  • Box Breaking Circle of Orboros Celestial Fulcrum Battle Engine

    In this Box Breaking we take a look at the Circle of Orboros Celestial Fulcrum Battle Engine.   This is newest big fig from Privateer Press for Hordes.   It features 3 ranged weapons that I wouldn’t like to feel.  it also houses a pretty nifty fury ability, IMOP, I have only played Hordes a few times so I am no expert.


    Did you like it?   Then +1 it and follow us on twitter.    Stop back tomorrow to see the assembly video.   We will post it to twitter.


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  • Coming Soon From Fantasy Flight Games Nexus Ops


    Nexus Ops is a board game of fierce sci-fi battles and fantastic alien creatures in which two to four players control factions of corporate troops and strange life forms on an alien moon. Players deploy troops from their home base to explore the landscape, mine resources, purchase troops, win battles, and fulfill missions, all in an attempt to gather enough power to claim the moon for themselves.

    This new edition of this classic title features detailed plastic figures, stunning new art, a clarified rulebook, and a host of optional rules and variants. Race to the monolith in King of the Hill mode, face the peril of the deadly Vortex, or introduce a full set of alternate unit powers!

    Contents will include over 160 plastic figures,17 detailed terrain tiles, nearly 100 tokens and markers, 90 cards, six dice, one rulebook

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