Author: aremis

  • Woodland Scenics Experiences a Devastating Fire

    Quoted from Lake News

    “Linn Creek, Mo. — More than 100 people stood with shocked and sullen looks on their faces and watched from across East Valley Drive as the Woodland Scenics building burned Thursday afternoon.

    Woodland Scenics is considered a leader in manufacturing model railroad scenery and other hobby supplies. When fire broke out in its Linn Creek manufacturing site and store, it spread quickly.”

    Read the whole story here.

    I hope they recover quickly.   We will try and contact Woodland for a follow up story.

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  • Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Announced

    A D&D game session in progress
    Image via Wikipedia

    From the Wizards of the Coast Press room…

    It seems that D&D 5th edition will be given a special premiere at Gen Con 2012

    Until then Wizards of the Coast plans on lending us their ear.

    From the Press Release:

    “We have begun obtaining feedback from a limited Friends & Family playtest consisting of internal employees and their gaming groups and soon we will be expanding that group to consist of members from our existing body of playtesters. Then at the D&D Experience convention in late January, Wizards of the Coast will conduct a special playtest of ideas currently in development.”


  • A Game Of Thrones LCG: Lions of the Rock Expansion

    With Lions of the Rock, players gain the means to defend House Lannister’s claim once and for all! Lions of the Rock focuses on the ambitious House Lannister, their vast resources, and love of intrigue. It features cards that include new versions of Lannister characters, each representing a different approach to victory around which entire decks could be built.The sixth deluxe expansion for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, Lions of the Rock features 165 cards new to the LCG card pool (three copies each of 55 unique cards) that add deck-building opportunities and strategic depth to your game.

    Read more at FFG.

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  • The Lord of the Rings LCG: Khazad-dum Expansion

    Drums in the Deep! It has been many years since the Dwarves last heard from Balin and his fledgling colony. Reports have ceased to flow of the great works they began. Now the heroes of Middle-earth must search for signs of them among the mines of Moria.

    The first deluxe expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, Khazad-dum transports players to the mines of Moria where the heroes of Middle-earth must search for Balin and his fledgling colony of Dwarves years after anyone last heard from them. With 165 new cards, Khazad-dum provides players two new Dwarf heroes, and new allies, attachments, and events, plus features the first step in the game’s ongoing narrative with nine new encounter sets that, combined, introduces three new, thrilling scenarios in Khazad-dum and lays the groundwork for the scenarios from the upcoming Dwarrowdelf Cycle of Adventure Packs.


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  • New From Fantasty Flight Games Space Hulk: Death Angel

    Gather your brother Space Marines and meet the alien threat! Set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, Space Hulk: Death Angel is a cooperative card game where players take on the roles of Blood Angel Space Marines who must enter an infested Space Hulk and terminate the Genestealer infestation.

    The Death Angel Tyranid Enemy Pack is a “Print on Demand” expansion for Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game. This expansion pack includes two additions for Death Angel: a new Tyranid deck containing a variety of enemies to challenge even the most seasoned Space Marines, and Hive Lord Location cards that introduce the Tyranid’s epic and deadly overlords! The Space Hulk: Tyranid Enemy Pack Expansion comes complete with (32) Tyranid Cards, four Hive Lord Cards, and a Deathleaper Card.

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  • Coming Soon For Flames of War

    Gallery of the up and coming Flames of War minis.

    [flagallery gid=18 name=”Gallery”]

  • Warpaints from Army Painter

    The 36 new Warpaints colours have been carefully chosen to consist of only the best selling Fantasy/Sci-Fi colours currently available. Most of these colours are a 100% match to the Colour Primer spray of the same name!  Here are the colors.


    The Paints will retail for 2.99 and the inks will be 3.25.  The new paints should arrive in March.  These colors are near perfecmatches to the Army Painter spray paints.

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  • Dark Eldar 1000 point List

    This is one of my favorite lists of all times at 1000 points.  Not only is this list easy to play it allows you to apply several different strategies while it is on the table.   It just doesn’t matter what you are playing against with this list you stand a a chance.  It is balanced.  Yet it’s fairly straight forward.  While the Dark Eldar as a whole are a pretty balanced army this one is a shooting army.   That doesn’t mean they can’t hold their own in close combat it just means they  will do better without it.


    The army contains only 56 models. While that is not an impressive number the important thing to note is the firepower.  We will look at that in a minute.  Here is the list



  • Vampire counts January Releases

    Well these are not official in any way, but my sources tell me that Vampire Counts will be receiving the following on the 14th:


    Vampire Counts Army Book

    Vampire Counts Coven Engine or Mortis Engine

    Vampire Counts Black Knights or Hexwraiths

    Vampire Counts Vargheists or Crypt Horrors

    Vampire Counts Wight King

    I can’t wait to see these models. We will try and get pictures as soon as they are made available.


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  • Avengers for Heroclix From Wizkids

    Bursting with action, the Avengers Movie HeroClix Starter brings all of the fast-paced excitement of the Avengers movie to your HeroClix games! Battle evil as the Avengers or split the starter into two teams and play with a friend! Featuring six figures with new dial designs not found anywhere else, the Avengers Movie HeroClix Starter also includes two maps, the HeroClix rules book, the Powers and Abilities card, dice, and tokens, and an exclusive code to unlock content for HeroClix Online!


    Sugested Retail is 24.99

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