Author: aremis

  • New Summoner Wars Releases

    They are a barbaric tribe of demon worshipers. They burn and despoil what traces of civilization they can find. They have no name for themselves, but others call them the Filth. At night their camps echo with the screams of prisoners and the gibbering of madmen. Bodies bend and snap as they are wracked by mutation – dark payment earned with dark rituals.



  • New Titles from Queen Games

    Queen Games has announced the releases for the first quarter of 2012.

    Kingdom Builder: Nomads Expansion SRP 34.99







  • The Empty Throne From Pathfinder in February

    Chapter 6: “The Empty Throne” by Neil Spicer War has come to Minkai! As resistance rises against the Jade Regent’s tyranny, the PCs must escort their friend Ameiko to one final site—the Imperial Shrine on a hidden island in the capital’s harbor. Here, Ameiko and the PCs must seek the blessing of Minkai’s dead emperors if they hope to have a chance to liberate the nation, but even here the Five Storms and the Jade Regent have their influence, and hungry demons and ravenous ghosts must be defeated before the ancestor spirits of the empire will give their blessings. Only then can the PCs take the battle to the Imperial Palace and confront the Jade Regent and his allies in the Five Storms. “The Empty Throne” is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 14th-level characters. This volume concludes the Jade Regent Adventure Path, a sweeping quest that takes the heroes from familiar territory in Varisia all the way across the ice fields of the Crown of the World to distant Tian Xia, the land of the Dragon Empires. This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path also features a gazetteer of the sprawling city of Kassai, capital city of the nation of Minkai. Extensive suggestions and support for GMs eager to continue their Jade Regent campaign beyond the end of the adventure are included as well, plus several new monsters drawn from Japanese mythology in the Pathfinder Bestiary, new adventures of Varian Jeggare and Radovan (stars of the Pathfinder Tales novels Prince of Wolves and Master of Devils) in the Pathfinder’s Journal, and much more!


    The Empty Throne has an expected release of February 15th and an SRP of 19.99.

    We are having a Doomsday Drive.   Register on our site and enter for a chance to win a $50.00 gift card to the The

    Read about it here.

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  • Invasion of Canada from Academy Games

    The year is 1812. Great Britain and her allies are battling Napoleon for control of Europe. In response to British seizure of American ships and goods, the young United States declares war on Britain and invades Canada. You and up to 4 other players take command of the armies of the British Redcoats, Canadian Militia, and Native Americans, or of the American Regulars and American Militia to decide the fate of the Americas. The action takes place on a huge historically accurate map that spans the United States and Canada from Detroit to Montreal. Players from each faction cooperate to gain control of key towns and forts.

    Invasion of Canada will be out later this month and it has an MSRP of 64.99

    We are having a membership drive with a drawing read about it here

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  • LEGO Star Wars Minifigures of 2012

    Lego has announced the minifigures for 2012.  I am sorry but there are no images.

    R2D2 (Star Wars character) made of Legos

    The Clone Wars

    • Arc Trooper 9488
    • Arf Trooper 9488
    • Commando Droid 9488
    • Commander Gree 9491
    • Bariss Offee 9491
    • Geonosian Warrior 9491
    • Geonosian Undead 9491

    A New Hope

    • C3P0 9490
    • R2-D2 9490
    • Sandtrooper Seargeant 9490
    • Sandtrooper Squad Leader 9490
    • Luke Skywalker 9493
    • R5-D8 9493
    • Jek Porkins 9493

    Return of the Jedi

    • Rebel Commandos 9489
    • Scout trooper 9489
    • Stormtrooper 9489
    • Tie pilot 9492
    • Death Star Trooper 9492
    • Imperial Officer 9492
    • R5-J2 9492

    It looks like Lego is doing some exciting things for Star Wars this year.

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  • Matt’s Response to Dungeons and Dragons 5th ed

    First if you haven’t read Ryan’s post you should start here.  It contains links to the information that we base our reactions on.

    Before we get too involved here is my brief D&D history.

    I started playing in 1981.   I took a break in Middle School.  Started back again in ’86.   The play experience carried me into 2nd edition.  I remember that the transition was a simple one and I enjoyed proficiencies.  I stopped playing again sometime in the mid 90’s.

    2002-ish I started to play again.  This time it was 3.5.   Again it was a simple step into the the new edition.  Oddly enough I didn’t miss the  things that were changed.  I missed the things that were used for background, like the GM description chart, and the random dungeon building chart from the DMG.


  • Off the Palette: Painting the Circle of Orboros Celestial Fulcrum Battle Engine Orbs

    In this episode Matt Paints the Orbs for the Celestial Fulcrum Battle engine.  The Celestial Fulcrum Battle Engine is for Hordes from Privateer Press. The Celestial Fulcrum Battle engine is one of Privateer’s new Big Figs.


  • Pathfinder Tales Hits #3 On Barnes & Noble Best Fantasy Of 2011 List


    January 9, 2012 (Redmond, WA) – Paizo Publishing’s Pathfinder Tales novel Death’s Heretic, by James L. Sutter, has been named the #3 best fantasy release of 2011 by Barnes & Noble’s SciFi and Fantasy Blog, and is celebrating by offering a THREE-FOR-ALL sale on all Pathfinder Tales novels, ebooks, and short fiction! From now until the end of January, customers who purchase two Pathfinder Tales novels will receive a third FREE novel! This offer also extends to electronic novels and short fiction, with the purchase of any two earning a third Pathfinder Tales product of the same format. Just add them to your cart, and Paizo will discount the lowest-priced qualifying item at checkout.


  • BattletechTechnical Readout 3055 Upgrade

    In 3055, a new breed of Inner Sphere BattleMech started rolling off assembling lines—’Mechs specifically designed to counter the Clan invasion—at the same time that secondline Clan ’Mechs began to appear. By 3067 those design have become a staple of the modern battlefield, giving rise to notable MechWarriors and new variants, while the demands of the ever-popular Solaris VII Games have resulted in a plethora of new dueling ’Mechs designed using prototype technology. Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade presents the Solaris VII ’Mechs built using prototype technologies. Upgraded in appearance and technology, the designs first presented in the Solaris VII box set and Solaris: The Reaches are now back in print, along with several new Solaris VII designs. In addition to the upgraded appearance of selected Clan designs, all the art work for Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade is new, providing fresh illustrations of now classic Inner Sphere BattleMechs and Clan OmniFighters. The ’Mechs in the Solaris VII BattleMechs section are constructed using select equipment found in Tactical Operations. To use those designs, players will need that book.

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  • Off the Palette: The Celestial Fulcrum Battle Engine Base

    This is the first episode of Off the Palette.  Off the Palette is our painting show.  In this episode we use simple techniques to paint our Circle of Orboros Celestial Fulcrum Battle Engine Base.

    There you have it – the Base painted in about 25 minutes.  If you like what you see follow us on Twitter and register for our newsletter.