Wizards of the Coast anounces Planeswalker Points

Wow!  Wizards of the Coast has done it again.  They have changed everything.  For those of you who have not read the article on Planeswalker points yet, you can view it here.  If you are too lazy here is a brief (really brief) overview.

  • Points will have different  categories lifetime, competitive, FNM, and professional.
  • Each has its own function based off variables like number of players.
  • Wins and losses earn you points
  • Points give you invites based on your play.


So, the question I have is this “Is this a good change?”  I am going to say yes.   The concept behind the program is to encourage better players to play instead of sitting on their rating.  By doing this players will be playing against better players.  Who want to play better players.  The concept is the better players will kind of mentor the rookies.   In the end it will sell more Magic the Gathering and increase the pool of players.  Especially if Wizards of the Coast continues supporting events like Grand Prix’s.


I am looking forward to the new systemIt has a better balance than the current rating system because it really has something for everyone.

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