Jan 182012

Danny and Ryan have taken the time to make a character for the Silvervine Game system.  It is one of the easiest character creation systems out there.  It is also a good demonstration of the freedoms you have while creating a character in the Silvervine System.


We hope you liked it.  If you did, take a look at our Doomsday Drive.

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Dec 062011

If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to read Matt’s article  first.  (Things might make a little more  sense that way, but I don’t guarantee that they will.)

Yes, while at Con on the Cob I spent a bit of time getting  to know the Silvervine game system, its creators, and many of the players.  I was amazed by the diversity of players –  all ages, genders, personalities, and gaming experience were well represented.  I was intrigued by the concept – the openness  of the system, the fantasy-steampunk setting, and the clear presentation of the  core principles of the system.  The  enthusiasm of the creators is infectious – they truly love gaming, and I am  continually amazed by the amount of work that has gone into their  products.  In short, Silvervine was my  torrid affair of Con on the Cob. Continue reading »

Dec 052011

For those of you that don’t know what Silvervines Game System is you can visit their website here. For those of you that don’t want to leave (thank you) Silvervine is basically a RPG that incorporates thematic character creation with a cinematic narrative of almost dice-less roleplaying.  At least that is the best one sentence description of he game that I can come up with.

Moving on, in the not so distant past Ryan and I had the opportunity to interview the gang from Silvervine.  When I say gang I mean the creator’s and designers of the game.  If you like what you hear here I am sure you will meet them all.  At that point in time I was a little bit lost about what the system had to offer.  In fact I thought it was probably a bogus system.  The stories they told us in the interview were just too ridiculous for this game to work.  I mean how can anybody (not on acid) play a sandwich?  That’s right somebody created a sandwich as their character.  But, Ryan wasn’t as preoccupied as I was at Con on the Cob – he gave them far more time than I did.  In fact he was sold on the game.  I was leery, very leery. Continue reading »