Legend of the Five Rings is Free to Play

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Jan 302012

From Alderac Entertainment:


In the links below, you can learn all about Legend of the Five Rings, and find links to the rulebook, and NINE fully playable printable decks, one for each Clan.  And these are not cheap beginner decks, these have rares and were designed to hold their own at tournaments! 

Check out the flyer explaining the free cards at http://www.l5r.com/images/L5R-FREE-Decks-Flyer.pdf 

You can use them to play with friends, play in official tournaments (they are acceptable through March), or add to your War of Honor games.  Not only are these decks available, you can download and print the ENTIRE Emperor Edition base set at http://www.l5r.com/news/kolat-edition-pdf-available/  if you want to tweak the contents of your deck as you become better at the game!

A few notes for the new players:
– “Kolat Edition” is our name for the free version of Emperor Edition, as you learn more about the story, you will learn why the dastardly Kolat are giving away our product for free…
– You will need two sets of opaque sleeves and some playing cards to “back” these printouts with, to give them some weight when playing.

We appreciate your time in telling the world about this release. Please feel free to pass this PDF on to anyone who might be interested!

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Jan 202012

In this Box Breaking Danny busts open the Ninja Board Game. Ninja is a blind board game revolving around stealth and intrigue. Alderac Entertainment Group has a done a fine job with this one.

Thanks for watching; we hope you liked it.  Come back next week and we will have a movement tutorial done and maybe a review or two.

If you liked this video and want to stay informed on what we are doing, sign up for our newsletter for a chance to win $50.00.   Check out the details here.

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Woodland Scenics Experiences a Devastating Fire

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Jan 092012

Quoted from Lake News

“Linn Creek, Mo. — More than 100 people stood with shocked and sullen looks on their faces and watched from across East Valley Drive as the Woodland Scenics building burned Thursday afternoon.

Woodland Scenics is considered a leader in manufacturing model railroad scenery and other hobby supplies. When fire broke out in its Linn Creek manufacturing site and store, it spread quickly.”

Read the whole story here.

I hope they recover quickly.   We will try and contact Woodland for a follow up story.

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The Race is On! Tempo in Magic the Gathering

 Card Games, CCG, Magic The Gathering  Comments Off on The Race is On! Tempo in Magic the Gathering
Dec 122011
Magic: The Gathering card back

Image via Wikipedia

Tempo in Magic the Gathering is what two or more players enter in while attempting to gain control of the game. It is a race that revolves around who can play better cards or more cards faster. Basically it is a race about gaining the upper hand. In other words the player who is winning the race usually sets the tempo of the game. The reality of it though is the tempo of a game can be one sided, balanced, or up and down like a roller coaster.

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Why I Never Play Characters in 40k

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Jun 192011

While the Warhammer 40k Characters are cool, most of them never make it to the table for my games.   There  are really only a couple of reasons for this.  The first is the cost, the second is the point cost, and the third is well they are fluff related.

The dollar amount for most single model characters is just too much.   Especially now that they are going to finecast, or should I say fine crap as it is being reported all around the globe.  They are just not worth that much money to me.  So it is my way of saying wake up GW we don’t agree with your tactics.

More often than not the characters are over pointed for what they do.  I and my friends are competitive – we play to win.  With that kind of mentality it is much more effective to take another squad over a character.  Why?  Because most of the time taking a squad over a character gives ten to twenty dice, depending on weapons, for about the same point value.   It is really the dice you are paying for, and the 40k game is more about numbers than it is tactics.


Lastly, I hate fluff.  Not because it is not good, but because it is not needed to play the game.  Actually it is not the fluff I hate.  It is the concept that fluff needs to be elevated to point where it should influence your game. Nothing is more annoying than having a player tell you that your army is built wrong because it does not support the fluff. My all time favorite is you can’t beat me because I am playing Space Marines and you have never beat us in the story line.  Man did I laugh when I destroyed his perfectly built fluff list.

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Ways to Put More Game Into Your Hobby

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Jun 142011

If you know me you  know that I would much rather play a game of 40k, Fantasy, or Rezolution over putting models together.  I know for some of you that is like a carnal sin.  But I have no problem putting unpainted models on the table.  Heck I don’t even have a problem using a pair of socks as terrain.   Some would look at it and say “I can’t play on  that it doesn’t look good.”   Well, I would laugh and tell you “It is an imaginary hill in an imaginary game world.”  My point is I bought the toys to play the game.


There are several ways to to make sure you put more game into your hobby.  Some of these will boost your spirit and want you to play more, others will make it easier to play.

  • Pick the right game
  • Buy the army you want to play
  • Play before you paint
  • Pick easy models if you can
  • Don’t be mislead by what others say make your own decision
  • Choose the right group to play with.

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