Box Breaking 187 Wreckage miniature 2 Player Box Set

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Jun 102016

Check out the two player starter for Wreckage from Hyacinth Games.  Wreckage is a miniatures and a RPG game set in the post fall of humanity.  The world is not all that different from that of Mad Max.

Thanks for watching.

Apr 052016

So you like Post Apocalypse games? Try this one, the environment collapsed and the elitists left leaving most of the population to fend for itself.  What has evolved?  A Mad Max style world or one more like Resident Evil?  There is enough room in this unique skirmish game that doubles as a strategy RPG.  Wreck-Age use simple concepts to create complex tactical movements created by the player.

See how easy it is?  Stop back tomorrow for an interview with the Wreck-Age Crew.