Railways Express

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Jul 152013

Railways ExpressRailways Express


Railways Express is a new dice-rolling race game. Travel around the USA and parts of southern Canada and northern Mexico learning elements of the mechanics used in the popular Railways of the World board gaming system! Be the first to build track linking all 4 cities of your color to win! By linking cities with track, you are awarded re-roll cubes (and possibly cards), giving you strategic options for the routes you plan and the cities you link to reach your goal. This game is accessible to both younger players and yet totally enjoyable for seasoned veterans of the series.

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Jul 062013

Watch as Matt explores the contents of the new Dreadball Kick Off 2 player box set from Mantic Games.



Learn more at Mantic Games
Music Another T.V. Dinner performed by Aardvark


Pod safe Music found at www.musicalley.com

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Jun 122013

DP9-LogoB&WsmallMatt takes a look at the Forge in Fire Southern Field Guide from Dream Pod 9 for Heavy Gear.  He shows you why the new field guides are huge improvement.  The field guide features history, vehicle compendium, data cards, army building, and league rules.

If you wish to learn  more about Heavy Gear feel free to visit Dream Pod 9.


You can get the PDF at Drivethru RPG


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Princes of the Dragon Throne on Kickstarter

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Jun 102013

Princes of the Dragon Throne

Let me start by saying this isn’t a rules review, it is more of an experience review. We played Princes of the Dragon Throne twice now and have a few things to share. But before we can do that you should watch this video. No, really the rest of this won’t make any sense if you don’t watch it. It is an excellent tutorial of the game.

As I said we played twice, well three times actually, but the first game doesn’t count because we botched the rules a little bit. We overlooked parliament. By the end of our second game we were starting to get the hang of it. But let’s review a little bit. The goal of the game is to become the next Dragon Lord. You do this by managing resources to gain control of the board, which in turn is how you earn prestige. Simply put you try and have the most prestige.

It’s not that simple. There are several ways for one to earn prestige. The easiest is to recruit prospects (Dragons and Citizens), some of them have a dragon’s claw on them that earn you prestige from the moment you buy them. Most of your prestige rewards don’t come until the end of the game. They are as follows.

  • Have the most dragons in your deck.

  • Have the most citizens in your deck.

  • Control more kingdoms by controlling the most guilds in that kingdom.

  • Have the most of a guild type.

  • Control the most Clan Houses.

As you can see there are many layers to the strategy involved.

On to our experience. At first I thought Princes of the Dragon Throne was going to be a long drawn out game that required a lot of effort to get through the lulls in resource building. While there are a few lulls in your resource management we quickly discovered there is a random factor to that as well. So the game could start quickly if inexpensive prospects are placed on the board. Just in case I lost you, here is a quick recap. You use your starter deck to gather your resources and recruit prospects. Recruiting a prospect allows you to discard a card from your hand or your discard pile. The recruits have varying resource costs with some as high as thirteen. If you have 6 prospects on the board with a cost of 10 or more it might be a couple of turns before anyone does any recruiting.

Oh and recruiting is strategy all in its own. It is always a good idea to replace a starter card with a citizen or a dragon that offers you more resources. Why? You might ask. Because by replacing your starter card with the recruited card you thin your deck making it easier to draw the better card.

Oops, I’m rambling. The second game we played we fell into a gather resource rut. It was almost like we were waiting for the crops to grow so we could harvest them. But in the last game we played there was no such dilemma. It just clicked. We had players gathering resources while others took the opportunity to recruit on the first turn.

It wasn’t until about half way through our third game that we realized we were playing wrong. We were following the rules and all that. What we weren’t doing was looking at the big picture. The one that is about the strategy of the game. We were kind of racing to get the most prestige. Which is the goal of the game. We were struggling to get recruits for that instant prestige we spoke of earlier. But we weren’t looking to control clans, guilds, kingdoms and we certainly weren’t looking at having the most citizens or dragons in our deck. All of us overlooked those. I mean we were acquiring them , but not focusing on them.

Once that critical piece of the puzzle was popped into place the entire game changed. It was no longer a mundane game of “I need these resources to buy that dragon”. It was instead a game of critical thinking, where you would try and plot your next turn instead of waiting to gather resources. Yes it became a wrestling match with all the players struggling to gain the most control all the end of game conditions. At this point you began to see light bulbs go off and on in the other players eyes.

And it really is a wrestling match. There are so many ways to thwart your opponents. For example, you can easily gain control of a guild in one turn by recruiting a dragon and a citizen; providng they share the same color. If you need to stop a player from controling a kingdom or the most guilds it is one of the easiest methods to use. Of course, if you have a soldier’s favor you can accomplish the same thing by adding or removing up to two Kings Guards from the board. As you can see it doesn’t take long for Princes of the Dragon Throne to become a cut throat game.

All in all we had some pitfalls in learning to play, but once we caught on to the game we were more than happy to be playing. Princes of the Dragon Throne is a game that offers the players more than enough options to keep everyone guessing, and wanting more. My boys really can’t wait to play again and neither can I.

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Heavy Gear Assault on Kickstarter

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May 212013

About a year ago Stompy Bot Productions began developing Heavy Gear Assault.  They managed to keep a lot of the details secret, but just about everyone realized the game was going to be influenced by Heavy Gear Arena.  I have been waiting a long while to find out about all the details.  I’m happy to let you know about their  Kickstarter.

You can also join John Ngyuen on Through Gamer Goggles News Tuesday night 9:00 P.M. E.S.T. at indienation.fm.

Continue reading »

DP 9 Consolidates Rules Resources

 Arena, Blitz, Dream Pod 9, Featured, Gaming News, Heavy Gear  Comments Off on DP 9 Consolidates Rules Resources
Apr 182013

- logo DP9 b&wConsolidated Rules Resources

We’ve taken all of the current errata posted across our Gear UP e-zines
and books, and consolidated them into a single file for easy access. In
addition to the errata file which also includes the Post 1940 Upgrades for
the North and Peace River, we have also made available the Duelist Rules
from Perfect Storm and the Veteran Survivor & League Rules from Terra Nova
Gambit as a free download for our fans. Lastly, the Beta Threat Values
published in Gear UP 5 are included here for ease of access. Don’t forget
that you can download the Heavy Gear Blitz Core Rules Field Manual for
free on Drive Thru RPG. Enjoy!

Heavy Gear Blitz Core Rules Field Manual

Heavy Gear Blitz Errata & Post 1940 Upgrades (North & Peace River)

Heavy Gear Blitz Optional League Rules and Survivor Upgrades.pdf


Heavy Gear Blitz Optional Duelist Rules.pdf

Heavy Gear Blitz Beta Threat Values

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Apr 182013

Robotech-Art-Header-640x480Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Kickstarter – April 18, 2013

Palladium Books® and Ninja Division (the creative minds behind Soda Pop Miniatures and Cipher Studios) are proud to announce the launch of the Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Kickstarter.

Robotech® RPG Tactics™ empowers you to take command of the fighting forces of the United Earth Defense Force (UEDF) or lead the massive clone armies of the Zentraedi Armada in pitched combat. Relive the massive battles on your tabletop, engage in stand-alone tactical games or use the dynamic game pieces to enhance your Robotech® RPG experience. Collect your favorite mecha from an expanding range of world-class game pieces.

Why should you care? The Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Kickstarter helps Palladium to fund the launch of a compelling and expanding game line designed specifically for Robotech® fans and gamers. Six months of product development has produced nearly two dozen gorgeous sculptures (with many more to come), a mountain of artwork, and game rules that have been play-tested by more than 100 Robotech fans and gamers to ensure Robotech® RPG Tactics™ is everything you could want. And because so much is DONE, this project should go into manufacturing within 45 days after the Kickstarter!

More Robotech® adventure to enjoy. Ever consider playing a role-playing game? Check out Palladium’s Robotech® role-playing game line. Each book contains a wealth of information, artwork and sometimes never-before-revealed stats and information about the mecha, vehicles, weapons, characters and settings you love. The four core books – Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® Role-Playing Game, the Macross Saga™ Sourcebook, the Masters Saga™ and New Generation™ – are worth owning just to have the reference they provide, even if you never play the game. Inexpensive and available now.

You can pledge at kickstarter here.
© Copyright 2013 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.
Palladium Books®, Megaverse®, RPG Tactics and other titles, names and slogans are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

Robotech® and Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® are Registered Trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc. © 1985, 2013 Harmony Gold USA, Inc., all rights reserved.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

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Gear Up 6

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Apr 052013

Hey Pod Fans,

Gear UP 6 has arrived, and with it is some big news! Last year, Dream Pod 9 signed a licensing deal with Stompy Bot Productions to produce a new video game based on the Heavy… Gear franchise. In the past few months, Stompy Bot Productions has been working with us to bring the world of Terra Nova to life like never before. Last week at Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Stompy Bot Productions along with Mektek Studios, the company that is building the game, revealed a brand new trailer featuring in game footage using the powerful new Unreal Engine 4 platform. Gear UP 6 features some an in depth look at some of the features and the people behind the game as it is developed.

As a fan of the Heavy Gear franchise, you have an opportunity to make this game a reality and to push it forward to even broader game play options. We want your help to make this game not only a reality, but the best game play experience for you the player. Stompy Bot Productions and Mektek Studios have set up www.HeavyGear.com for you to explore the concepts behind the game and to keep up with news about Heavy Gear Assault. While you are there you can help by contributing to the crowdfunding campaign they have set up. In addition to the direct crowdfunding, a Kickstarter campaign will be starting up in the next few weeks. Crowd funding has been a tremendous success in the market for letting fans express their desire for a project to move forward. You can be part of that success and make this game a reality, and snag some excellent rewards such as patches, artbooks, music, and in-game unique items!

We hope you enjoy this issue and look forward to bringing you more content this year. Expect more coverage in Gear UP as we move forward!

Robert Dubois
President of Dream Pod 9

Gear Up 6 can be downloaded for free here: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/113116/Gear-Up-Issue-6?SRC=FeaturedProduct&motds_id=6606&from_home=1

Heavy Gear Assault also did a great interview while they were at GDC 2013. It can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBESvQ1X5ls&feature=youtu.be

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Ascension: Rise of Vigil

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Mar 252013

Ascension: Rise of Vigil

$ 39.99 SRP

Ascension: Rise of Vigil is the newest chapter in the popular Ascension deck-building series. Rise of Vigil is both a standalone game playable on its own with 1-4 players and an expansion that can be combined with any of the earlier sets to support up to six players.

As with other Ascension titles, Rise of Vigil is a deck-building game in which players acquire cards from a central pool to add to their decks for use later; at the same time, they also combat creatures and other things that show up in that shared space. Both cards acquired and creatures defeated earn a player points.

Introduced in Ascension: Rise of Vigil are all new Treasure cards which will unlock powerful Energize abilities for the all new Heroes and Constructs.

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Jan 102013


Studio Announces Sneak Peek Online Environment Experience and Pit Fight Battles Preview

Unity Engine Enables Highly Anticipated Mac OSX Version of the Game


REDMOND, WA (January 9, 2012): Goblinworks, Inc. is thrilled to announce today a licensing agreement with Unity Technologies that secures Unity as the engine behind the massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) Pathfinder Online.

To celebrate the partnership with Unity, Goblinworks today launches a demo Environment Experience of the first level of Pathfinder Online’s Thornkeep dungeon, which lets players view the environment originally constructed for the Technology Demo, now run through the Unity Engine. The demo is viewable through a Unity web app in your browser at https://goblinworks.com/experience.html.

“We have been evaluating solutions in this space for more than a year,” says Ryan Dancey, CEO of Goblinworks. “For performance, code quality, reliability and flexibility, Unity rose to the top of our list. Unity also enables us to develop both a Windows and an OSX version in tandem. We couldn’t be happier to make this announcement today.”

Goblinworks also announces the first playable test-environment, a version of Pathfinder Online’s combat-testing software called Pit Fight, which will be available to players in Fall of 2013. Through Pit Fight, players will help the development team cull a wide range of combat data while getting a preview of combat in Pathfinder Online. Pit Fight will be a stand-alone, single-player experience.

Pit Fight will put the player through a number of gladiatorial battles, fought in the Bonepit Arena in Thornkeep, under the watchful eyes of the Hellknights. Players will be able to get a sneak preview of the Pathfinder Online combat design, and will help to shape its development through PVE conflict against various NPC opponents.

Initially, players will be using a limited number of prebuilt characters and specific scenarios but expanding over time to include other classes, customization and combat styles. Players will be able to test which aspects of combat they most enjoy, and plan their advancement path once Pathfinder Online launches.

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game builds on more than 10 years of system development and the largest open playtest in the history of tabletop gaming to create an unparalleled fantasy roleplaying experience. Players need only the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook to play, but Paizo Publishing produces a wide range of books and accessories to enhance your Pathfinder experience, from hardcover rules compendiums to complete campaigns to packets of beautiful full-color maps. For more information, please visit paizo.com.

Pathfinder Online is a hybrid sandbox/theme park-style massively multiplayer, online roleplaying game (MMORPG) where characters explore, develop, find adventure and dominate a wilderness frontier in a land of sword and sorcery. Pathfinder Online is currently being “crowd-forged” through Kickstarter, with 5 days left in the million-dollar pledge drive. Please visit http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1675907842/pathfinder-online-a-fantasy-sandbox-mmo and Goblinworks.com for more information.


About Unity Technologies

Unity Technologies is the creator of Unity, an intuitive and flexible development platform used to make wildly creative and intelligently interactive 3D and 2D content. The “author once, deploy everywhere” capability ensures developers can publish to all of the most popular platforms. Unity Technologies boasts a thriving community of 1,000,000 registered developers including large publishers, indie studios, students and hobbyists. Unity Technologies aggressively re-invests in its award-winning 3D development tools and democratization initiatives, such as the Asset Store digital content marketplace and Union game distribution service, in order to remain at the forefront of innovation. Unity Technologies is headquartered in San Francisco and has offices in Canada, Denmark, Lithuania, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Japan and Korea. For more information, visit: http://unity3d.com.


About Paizo Publishing

Paizo Publishing®, LLC is a leading publisher of fantasy roleplaying games, accessories, board games, and novels. Paizo’s Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game, the result of the largest open playtest in the history of tabletop gaming, is currently the best-selling tabletop roleplaying game in hobby stores. Pathfinder Adventure Path is the most popular and best-selling monthly product in the tabletop RPG industry. Paizo.com is the leading online hobby retail store, offering tens of thousands of products from a variety of publishers to customers all over the world. In the ten years since its founding, Paizo Publishing has received more than 50 major awards and has grown to become one of the most influential companies in the hobby games industry.


About Goblinworks

Goblinworks is the developer and publisher of Pathfinder Online, a next-generation fantasy sandbox MMO. The company is located in the Seattle suburb of Redmond. It was founded in 2011 by a dedicated group of creative professionals with backgrounds in tabletop hobby gaming and online videogame development. Goblinworks is dedicated to creating a fun, immersive online gaming experience for the fantasy roleplaying enthusiast. Its goal is to deliver the best sword & sorcery massively multiplayer game on the market by starting with a carefully designed core of features and iterating on the content continuously after launch, with the input and feedback of the player community.

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