Mutants & Masterminds: Supernatural Handbook From Green Ronin

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Sep 302012

MM: Supernatural Handbook

Release Date: Oct 2012

$ 27.95

The Supernatural Handbook is a sourcebook of heroic horror for the Mutants & Masterminds Superhero Roleplaying Game. It lays out the elements for a successful M&M game in which the strange and paranormal are true and a few lone heroes struggle against the Things That Go Bump in the Night. The Supernatural Handbook includes detailed information on character creation, horror-themed series, and adventure design, and a complete system for building your own supernatural menaces for your heroes to hunt (or to hunt them…). You’ll find hero and villain archetypes like the Curse-Burdened Adventurer, Noble Monster, Dark Emissary and Inhuman Juggernaut. The book also introduces the organization ARCADE (American Research Center for the Arcane Defense of Earth) and its agents, who wage a secret war every night. Join the fight against ancient evils and occult menaces with The Supernatural Handbook!

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Oct 302011

Figure Forge Assembling the Khador Juggernaut


Danny shows you how to build the Khador heavy Warjack from Privateer Press.   During this demonstration Danny show you how easy use rare earth magnets on your jacks.



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