Three Cheers for Master from Atlas Games

 Atlas Games, Gaming News  Comments Off on Three Cheers for Master from Atlas Games
Apr 202015

3 cheersThree Cheers for Master



Master has been blue, lately…


It’s just not the same now that all lands known to evil have been conquered. When Master’s blue, it’s the minions who suffer the most. As a lieutenant in Master’s army – a foreminion – it falls to you to cheer him up. Not the easiest task, even in the best of times but then it hits you. What better way to cheer Master up than an evil cheerleading competition?


Whichever foreminion builds and scales the most impressive tower of war-hungry minions will surely win Master’s heart! What could possibly go wrong with that?

Preview The Ultimate Adequate Commoner on Kickstarter Now

 Featured, Pathfinder, RPG's  Comments Off on Preview The Ultimate Adequate Commoner on Kickstarter Now
Sep 252014

I just finished reading the meat of The Ultimate Adequate Commoner. Well, the preview copy that is.  I must say I’m a bit surprised, it has a lot of information in it that  supports everything you will need as a player to be ordinary – except one thing and we will get to that at the very end.

The Adequate Commoner starts out by asking you the question about the why you might want to play a commoner.  Which is the perfect place to start. Many players will just look at it say why and never think about an application of ordinary.  For most of us the goal is to play a hero right? Well don’t you know many of heroes are ordinary, or they were at the start of the story.

After defending the commoner as a class J.W. moves into what I would refer to as archetypes.  Sharing with you a few common themes in literature and gaming, like a peasant that enjoys melee, and my personal favorite the peasants that rebel or ninjas.  Not ninjas like Hollywood glamorizes, but the original ninjas.  The ones that learned to hide because they didn’t know how to fight and guerrilla warfare was their only method.  He also includes with each of these descriptions concepts on for a GM to consider when  balancing the class for the player.  In other words ne is encouraging the GM to help polish the otherwise scuffed commoner.  Which is something I think a good GM does anyway.

The class in and of itself  is well developed and appears to be balanced in structure – ordinary remember. The class only gets 2 weapon inefficiencies, but they get a job. Something I argue with friends about all the time.  Adventurers need to get paid too!

There is a lot of information in the book about gear, magic, alchemy and he even covers the aspect of an all commoner party, but if I tell you everything you won’t buy it. So what was that one thing?

This book will give an excellent frame to build an ordinary character. The kind that gets off the school bus starts to walk down the driveway and sees an orc horde charging the house.  What does that common person do?  Run, freeze in fright, or charge to help their family? I know my answer.  That one thing is the personality of the character.

This book will bring you to that point where an ordinary person is prepared to face that defining moment.  A moment that shapes the personality of a character.  This book will help players go beyond playing a mere role and step forward into playing a character.

King Arthur Myths And Legends Review

 Historical, Osprey Publishing  Comments Off on King Arthur Myths And Legends Review
Jan 222014

king arthurKing Arthur is part of the Myths and Legends series published by Osprey Publishing.

Written by Daniel Mersey and Illustrated by Alan Lathwell.


The book is what you you would expect from Osprey.  That is it has a good binding, high test paper, and excellent art through all 80 pages of the book.


I think Daniel does an excellent job of bringing the myth of Arthurian legend into perspective. He takes the reader on a journey through Arthurian history, while showing the potential for the characters existence. He starts with the Medieval model, made popular by Hollywood, then moves to the Celtic model, and finishes up with the historic model. Daniel takes the immense history of Arthur and gives his reader and entertaining and factual presentation.

When I first started reading King Arthur, I was wondering what I would learn. I Always knew there was more to Arthur than I knew. It wasn’t long before I found that the book was difficult to put down. For about a week it became an addiction. When It was all said and down I had learned that Arthur has a lot more to him than I ever knew. Daniel goes into great detail about the stories that form Arthur’s legend. Without spoiling his book, Daniel does an excellent job of talking about the written and narrative history of King Arthur. Some of the more interesting, things to me, were; the accuracy of the legend as it spanned cultures; there are “giants” in the legend, and it may date back to maybe 175 A.D.

To finish out the book Daniel offers up cases that go against the theories of Arthur.

I found the book to be a very good read. I am looking forward to the rest of the Myths And Legends series.

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Zombie Fried

 Board Games  Comments Off on Zombie Fried
Apr 182013

zombie fried1Zombie Fried

$19.95 SRP


We have good news and bad news for you. The bad news: the zombie apocalypse has already happened and the humans lost. Zombies now rule the world. They go to Zombie work, pay Zombie taxes, and hang out at the local Zombie malls. It’s not at all a pretty sight for humans. The good news: it’s flipping hilarious! In Zombie Fried, you, and you alone, have the power to hire someone else to do your dirty work while you take all the credit. You alone have the ability to invent crazy weapons that somehow work, even though you have never even fired a flare gun, much less a real one. So tread carefully my friends. Go forth and rid the world of the Zombie horde once and for all. But do it before some other Joe beats you to it – or before another flippin’ Zombie Rights Rally starts. Man, I hate those!

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