May 272012

In this Tutorial Don demonstrates the simple nuances of the Heavy Gear Dice system. If you are thinking about starting Heavy Gear this is just about the first thing you need to know.




Dream Pod 9 is giving away a 2 player Heavy Gear Starter all you have to do is go here and like them on facebook


And as always if you want to follow us on social media the links are on the right of your screen.

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May 262012

The Voligeur is a uniquely designed NuCoal weapon.  It is the main battle tank for sale to the Eastern Sun Emirates and other Badland Communities.  The original production stagnated do the cost of the armament.  Production picked up again with and under powered barrel.

When you get to take a look other pictures you will be impressed with the overall size of the model.  It is not an HHT 90 mind you, but you can clearly see it earns its size rating of 13.  It is certainly large enough to spearhead an assault.



The Voligeur can now be found on the battlefield in 3 variants.

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May 142012

Through Gamer Goggles announces Heavy Gear week May 27th – June 3rd. The week will have videos and tournaments at Origins Game Fair along with Pod Squad members.

The Week will be media rich including articles, videos and Battle reports.


Thanks for watching and  remember to Visit Dream Pod 9 on facebook and like them.  If you want to follow us our social media links are on the right side of the screen

Music by
Black Black Hole by 3 Minute Pop Songs
Thanks Music Alley

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May 112012

Dream Pod 9 is hosting a paint giveaway that ends on the 18th.   All you have to do is go to their facebook page and like them for a chance to win the set.  It is made by Reaper and features 32 never before seen colors.  I will be getting me one as soon as I can.  I recently was given some of the MSP series and I like it a lot.



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Apr 102012

Reaper and Dream Pod 9 have teamed together to bring Heavy Gear fans their very own paint set.


From Dream Pod 9

“Our friends at Reaper Miniatures have released the Heavy Gear Blitz Master Series Paint Set as a great one-stop set of paints for all Heavy Gear miniatures. This set includes 36 Master Series paints, 32 of which are never-before-seen colors created especially for Dream Pod 9. This set includes paint colors for all of the Heavy Gear Blitz factions and we will provide painting suggestions using these color names in the future.”



Here are the colors.







And here is the case.










Now DP and Beasts of War are doing a facebook contest.  From now until May 4th on lucky person who signs up on Dram Pod 9’s facebook page will win one of these kits.


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Heavy Gear Blitz: A Brief Overview

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Jan 182012

Welcome to the world of Terra Nova and the turn based strategy game of Heavy Gear Blitz. We’ll be starting off with a quick look into world of Terra Nova itself and the divisions of power on it. Then we’ll check in with the stars of the game the Gears themselves and the other units and equipment that they work with. Finally the rulebook itself will get some needed attention and a little personal praise.

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Figure Forge Heavy Gear Hunter and Jager

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Nov 282011

In this episode of Figure Forge Don assembles the Hunter an the Jager from the Heavy Gear Blitzed two player starter.   I can’t wait to crunch some gears on the battlefield and rip off some arms.   I have been reading the quick start rules and I have not been this excited about a game in a long time.


Thanks for watching, If you liked what you saw feel free to leave comments and follow us on Twitter, look for us on face book too, and you can always sign up for our bi monthly newsletter.


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