Silvervine Campaign: A Primer on the Silvervine System

Why, o why must the internets conspire against me?!

Okay, the lamenting may be a bit much.  In truth, the fault is mine.  I deleted a very important e-mail from Matt, resulting in a series of miscommunications between he and I, and therefore this post is getting up rather late.  My most sincere and humble appologies.  Nonetheless, here it is, a quick overview of the mechanics of the Silvervine Games system.

[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Silvervine campaign@Silvervine Primer.mp3″ captions=”Silvervine Primer” vol=100 autoplay=n dload=n list=y title=”Silvervine Primer” width=100%]
This should give you the background information as you follow along with the campaign audio podcasts.

Also, here are the important links once again:

Silvervine Games Quick Character Creation Guide:

Silvervine Games Fillable PDF Character Sheet:

Silvervine main website:


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