Sep 132016

polarisPOLARIS: Deluxe Core Rulebook Set



“Humankind was born in the seas and is now coming back here to die”

–Vulrick the Mad


From the publishers of the Pathfinder RPG’s French edition comes POLARIS, an exciting

post-apocalyptic sci-fi RPG, now in English and its Deluxe Edition!


Take part in the political intrigues, action, exploration and the quest to survive. An all new

and revised english version with over 400 full-color pages, split in two books that are also

sold as a set in a slip case.

This limited Deluxe Edition of the Core Books comes with a special book case featuring

blind-deboss, metallic foil stamp and two ribbon bookmarks. A very elegant version that differs esthetically from the regular edition!

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